The Bhundewallas: A new webcomic by... wait for it... ME!

Anyone who's ever known me knows that I am very very very bad at drawing. Like, pathetic. Like, I cannot draw anything besides a scenery with a house, a mountain, a river, a sun, and a few crows just over the sun. Oh, and trees. Green and blue and black.

And then anyone who's known me recently knows that I am a hardcore webcomics fan: I subscribe to feeds of 57 (yes, that is fifty-seven) webcomics, and probably read 30-35 of them daily. In short, I am a webcomic guy.

So, I decided to combine my two weaknesses together, and make it a strength... I will be drawing and posting comics from now on, Ya'all. I am still not certain about how frequently I want to post the comics, but I think I might do it once a week. Exciting, right? YEAHHHH!!!!

So, the characters.. The pic you see on this post is actually four different images squished into one. The stick figures will most probably be my characters, and I drew in the background to assure you peeps that it's gonna' be based on Nepali stuff and have a completely Nepali flavour . XOXOXO!