Some things you need to know

Stop shirking from your responsibilities. Or die.

Please consider the given statement regarding the state of matters and the thick of it in Nepal, and ask yourself why you should care about the more important things in life when sometimes people who you care about do not have either time or resources to help you with things you need help in even though they were extremely free around the time they needed help from you, and even offered you money when you never asked for it in the first place. Is it right? Is it logical? Is it honest? Ask yourself these questions, and once you feel you have the right answer, go back to drinking Vodka, or whatever you were doing when you got so stupid to actually do what I told you to, you dumbass! Did you do that? No? You hypocrite: don't blame me for your stupidities and failures, go back to bed and sleep.

If you haven't realized already, the first paragraph was a dummy, intended to confuse and distract and bore the disinterested. So the real thing begins here. Well done for making it! Pat yourself on the back and take some rest. And after you are done with it, fetch me some biscuit. And dontcha give me that 'Aww why me, can't you do it on your own' look, I am warning you.

These are interesting times. If I were not a part of it myself, I'd probably have gotten myself a jumbo tub of popcorn and followed the nautanki that's going on around here. Good for me and my cholesterol that I am a part of it and don't have to watch it. And the popcorn you buy is too salty & bad for the 'pressure too.

I am planning to start a series of posts about places in Kathmandu, and things that happen here and the likes, like Gothamist, but something or the other keeps popping up. I haven't done any big project for sometime. There are so many interesting things I can do, and want to do, but because of the Popping Ups, I keep postponing them to death.

This blog is taking more time and resources than I expected it too. I know, I know, it doesn't seem that way, with all the bad grammar, spelling and the poor 'stream of thought' content. I have thought of discontinuing it more than once, but then I imagine how great it'd be to write in the papers and have a URL along with my name, like Nepaliketi. So this blog is living a borrowed life.

Actually, it's not the blog. It's me. I have been trying to balance several different things, that leaves very little time for creative pursuits. I don't even remember the last time I took a photo. I have written just one paper-worthy writing in the period I had planned to write a dozen. And the last time I wrote a report and enjoyed it almost seems like history. Yes, I like writing reports. Do you have anything to say on that? No? Then shut your voice-hole and let me complete what I am saying. Okayy, so where was I... Oh yes, writing reports... It'd be great to write more, and I know my dream project with all the funding it needs might just be some 4,000 words away, but I can't do it. Not now. I am too spent.

That does not mean that I am discontinuing this blog, however. The posts will be published less often, their quality might get even worse, and I might respond to comments less frequently. But I will be around, lurking, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

If you are the I-wonder-what-this-guy-does-on-the-internet types, you are welcome to look at the "Runil likes these things in the interwebs" section on the right side of this page. I am on Google Reader, Google Buzz, Twitter and of course, blogger. And if you wish me well, please refer to a previous most published this month and pray very hard for me [Wherein I post very personal matter or sth.]. The situation is not alarming, but I do need lots of honest and sincere prayers on my behalf, since my personal prayer count is in the negative millions, and I do not intend to do anything about it.

Did I miss out anything? Ah, yes. I am available for hire for suitable monetary/culinary compensation. By 'me' I mean my skills, and not the thing you are sniggering about. Don't worry, my writing's usually not as bad as it is in this blog. I also do some programming, if you are a programming sweatshop owner.

Love you all, fellas. Keep it rocking.