you are just too much kyaa, too much

I just stepped in birdpoop(and I mean it literally) barefoot so I am probably not thinking straight, but let me get this: you're saying you want to 'try something new', go where 'no man has ever gone before', and 'walk the untrodden path'? Really?

I mean, seriously dude, you don't even need to ask me if you want to try a new shirt or something -- heck, I wouldn't care even if you got yourself a butterfly tattoo (which incidentally rhymes with Tatttuu) on your big fat forehead. BTW, a big forehead means you're lucky-- that's what everyone tells me, and after all Devkota and Shakespeare and all the peeps had big foreheads too-- so got or ya'. Go ahead and use your big fat forehead. Try something new, and whatever.

And umm, I am sorry to break this to you, but you're not the first person to have thought about going where 'no man haws ever gone before'. I mean, duude, going to a women's toilette is no big deal. And no one can tell you that better than me-- in grade four, we only had the girls' toilet that was divided into male and female section, so been there, done that. Boo-Yaah. It's not as awesome and daring as it;s made out to be. Instead, I'd dare you to go to a public toilet in Ratna Park and try to actually take a deuce there for five minutes. Actually, this bet sounds good. Offer: anyone who can go to a Ratna Park public toilet and give the proof of having taken a dump there for AT LEAST five minutes will get Rs 500 from me. However, you Must have contributed AT LEAST 100 grams to the contents of the toilet, and have a proof of that. Good luck!

Oh, and about walking the untrodden path -- it's not as good as it sounds-- at least not after you met touched the untouched wet nettles. Then you'll know why no one else walks the untrodden path, and how stupid it was of you to have thought that you actually had something in you that could help you take the way nobody else had ever before. You SPECIALLY don't want to get those pesky little plants near your privates. That means you should NOT try defecating in the bushes if you do not have a basic working knowledge of local flora and fauna. I mention fauna because of ANTS, who have the bad habit of getting on in wherever they see a path, and that miight include very near to your Privates.

So, in conclusion, you are just too much kyaa, too much, suggesting you want to do something new and different.  I totally understand that this is Tihar and your bros/sisses will try to overfeed you but remember that there might arise a situation where you might have to go to a public toilet or the local karesabari whose geography you do not know, and trust me, you don't want to learn things here the hard way.