Coming clean: okay, I did, in fact write the post I claimed not to have written in the previous post, but I was lying

Okay, don't be judgmental. I lied in my previous post about not writing the post previous to it. I did, in fact write that post myself. To be fair though, I had lied in my first post itself, so two wrongs here make a right, so I did not tell the lie in the first place, so you just ignore the two preceding posts, and go on with your life as if nothing had happened.

But I know you can't. I am sure you have been hurt by the betrayal of a trusted one( ie, me) and now you are not sure whom to trust and who not to. You had considered me a trustworthy person, at least while I was not using hyperbole, but now you are not sure even if this post itself is a part of an elaborate hoax to confuse everyone. Is this true, or am I messing with you again, lying through my teeth again, you are asking yourself. I know

But trust me, you will get over this. People always have. No matter how big a crisis there is, you can always overcome it. Imagine the families in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, imagine the pigs slaughtered in the bay of pigs invasion, imagine what happened to the cigar-loving Americans during the cuban crisis, imagine how Osama must have felt when the fourth plane missed the White House by several thousand miles. And yet, they recovered, learning from their mistakes, and life moved on. Some of them have even done better after those incidents. So try being strong and go on.

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