I should definitely not have posted this

...and this is not even a publicity stunt, like my "OMG! did I post that or not" series, which WAS a publicity stunt, but got the lowest combined hits for all my post series. So, whatever. If you don't like reading ahead, you probably should not because there's nothing outrageous or interesting here. I am not being sexist or anti-HareKrishna in any way, and I am not complaining that I was raped so that you guys could blame ME in the comments. Yepp! Nothing interesting here. As well take a nice nap now, you?

So, that thing is.. Dark circles. You know, the kind you get under your eyes when you've not gotten enough sleep, or have been punched by the huge guy whose girlfriend you apparently hit on, but you have nooo idea how talking about your common interests and being surprised by the fact that she liked the same kind of movies and listened to the songs which you do could have constituted, to put it in his own words, 'bullying' ... But whatever, because you see that dark circle and you're like whoah!

Well, I find it kinda nice. Not only nice, but utterly absolutely fascinating and maybe even pretty attractive. Even Vladimir Putin has dark circles when he's not being pretty, and you know what they say about Putin -- that guy's one of Runil's heroes.

There's this indian ad for a dark-circles removing cream. In the 'Before' period, I am all --"Whoa, that gal's pretty awesome! She looks pretty intelligent and sensible too...She's nice! She's my fave model... She rocks!" and after the cream 'cures' her of the circles during the ad I am "OMG OMG! She looks sooo fake. She must be reallly dumb, and I am surprised she even made it this far. What the heck, she does not even look like a Real model. Hoi, Model! Go back to your Village and don't ever show your face, specially the part that does NOT have dark circles to us"...

My theory's worked out pretty well until now. Two of the most talented and intelligent (cough, cough cough.... random standards alert... cough cough cough.. I am not the authorit--cough cough) people I know have like, huuge dark circles, and at their age they should probably be still losing their teeth than getting the circles. But still, they have em' and I am all like "damn, they're so smart, and awesome, and totally soo cool even though they've lived lesser years than me, and OMG OMG OMG look at those dark circles.. I. Wanna. So. Totally. Life's so unfair."

I can completely understand how the non-black circles peeps must be feeling right now. I mean, I do not have considerable black circles myself. Mainly because of three reasons: 1) I am dummb, and do not have ANY talent which might pave way for me to get those awwwesome circles and 3) I usually sleep between 7.30 and 9 even though almost everyone of my age group goes beyonf 12 and a lot of my friends usually between 3 and 4. So, I am a leetel uninteresting untalented mama's boy person who sleeps before most 4-yearolds do. Okay. Now, try to guess why YOU don't have dark circles.

Cool fact: Manisha Koirala has em', both of MaHa jodi have Huuuuge dark circles, all the Pakistani dictators have had them, both the Obamas has 'em, and a verry verry verrry few of our MPs have dark circles. Dark Circles are soooo cool.


  1. Now that was just fun to read!!

  2. I read some of your blogposts kiddo! doing good. sarcasm definitely works for you!

    Full disclosure: I have dark circles too :)

  3. Salman Khan has dark circles sometimes, but he's not a very nice man in real life, i believe

  4. @Anonymous 2: Thank you soo much dai!That is youu, right?

    Anonymous 3: Heh, nono, dark circles are not good people.. It's hard-working intelligent people, and of course, evil people are usually very intelligent. None of the Pakistani generals with those dark circles comparable to shades were not evil... SO, I don't want a villain-y dark circles, but the good-guy dark circles, you know!

  5. hehe this is really funny,,one thing's clear,,there are ppl who love dark circles!


Tell me what you think. I'll read, promise.