Relationship Advice

Overheard-- Best marriage/relationship advice I ever heard: "Fight naked. It encourages making up."

Project hawaghar

I've been talking and thinking about this too much now. Unveiling Project Hawaghar, sooon. Damn I hope this works.

A traveler

I am a traveler.

A traveler doesn't always travel. A traveler is a state of mind, where a person doesn't feel at home anywhere but home. Maybe not even home feels homely to a traveler.

I am a traveler. Fourteen - hour bus rides don't seem long anymore. Unless stranded for more than two days, I don't feel delayed. Naps on buses and trains and planes are just as comfortable as they are on chairs.

Spending four days of continuous travel on the way back home doesn't bother me anymore (that's me, this summer, coming to the town near you). Changing seven flights on what could have been done in two, sixty five hours for a trip that could have been sixteen for cheaper tickets has ultimately started making sense. The stressful security checks and lines and all the more lines, the need to change terminals in incredibly short period of time, and those uncomfortable seat-neighbors, are now less stressful.

I say this on the occasion of filling out 17 pages of travel documents (with tinny print) and eight pages of related documents. On the occasion of the documents asking me for a total of twenty-two passport-sized photos. On the occasion of being recommended to be vaccinated against every disease known to mankind -- those that pervade from East Asia, to those more powerful in Africa.

I chose this. I chose this life of unnecessary travel, so I may travel often in the future. I can read books just as well on Tongan Tangas as I can on Boston Buses and Cincinnati Cabs. That's all that matters.

Study a broad

I went out to eat tonight (Thursday!) -- and it was one of the best dinner I've recently had.

I was asked if I partied a lot. I said I'd not gone to those parties with large bowls of unidentified purple-colored liquids for quite some time. "Because in those parties, "I said, "the girls never got any more attractive and the guys got a lot gayer and creepier and handsier."

I also learned something new today-- something I should probably have known as a 'common' sense. People become a lot more sexually active when they study a broad because... well... the parties involved realize that since no long-term agreements or arrangements are likely, they proceed with their transaction without fearing negative repercussions (since the relationships weren't likely to last longer anyway), leading to a much above-than-average actions. In short, studying a broad makes you slutty. Who knew. There's a good lesson for macroeconomics hidden somewhere there, if I can tease it out.

Full of hot air

A quick post here because I now have a real day job (funny how I realize this after almost two years. But seriously. Studying IS a real day job): I will be pushing out some of the ideas I've thought over for some time (far too long. way too long) online. I hope to implement both of them, circumstances permitting. I am reminded the old lame saying over and over again: I seem to be the one I was waiting for, and dammit, I am not impressed. But that's all I got.

PS: I'm considering either a) completely disassociating myself from the blog by changing the url and any connection to me or b) completely attaching myself to the blog by removing some (read: most of the) posts here that I may have written to fill an imaginary word count. What to do?

Holi re

Nepal ma aja holi re. Yay. Re.

Things that come to mind: Dionysian, ghinlagda manche, family and friends fun, failed state, powerless police, annoying random kids, party at home yay! Holi is the rapie-est festival and I often wished it didn't exist. In that, it's the holiday I feel the strongest about. People on twitter are claiming it's been better than previous years. We shall see.

I had a semi-traumatic experience as a kid one year when I thought my dad was being kidnapped. I  cried and flailed. He was just going play Holi with the gang in MG. Times were bad then, really bad. Not that they've improved considerably since, but they've gotten worse in a different way now.

I was reading a write-up on how Pakistan just keeps spiraling into greater mess. I guess people could start dying again... Not that it's any consolation for anything. That's all Baidya has as his bargaining chip: do what I say, or I start the killing spree again.

Maybe I'll turn that into something someday.

Falling tree

Generated in Processing, a falling tree. Because I have absolutely no desire to do anything more productive. Two days ago, it was flying phallus, and bumping boobies before that. Yay for programming!

Gross individual

You know the gross individual.

You know who I'm talking about. Everyone knows who I'm talking about.

He's a stalker -- he goes through your friends list on facebook, adds the most attractive friends, and starts chatting them up. He categorizes them into group primary-fuck, secondary-fuck, and backup. You know.

He stalks everyone. The tenth-graders, check. The twelfth graders, check. College freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, check. Grad-school students, check. He looks for the gullible, and yet, he can get away with fooling the non-gullible with his extensive web of lies and smokes-and-mirrors. Smokes and mirrors yaar, smokes and mirrors. You understand, no. Patrikaa ma kathaa. You are nodding now. You know what I mean.

Someone smart I know told me this. That she was in the ninth grade and he was about to graduate from college. He would talk of things that were highly objectionable to her, but she was so unsure what was happening, she would let things go on. When she told this to a friend, she took control of things, and blocked the predator. Things got safer for her. After two years, the gross individual added her again. By this time, she had seen photos of him in the papers, and write-ups about him, so she assumed he had grown up. He hadn't. He would still try the same old chats, but now with the added assumption that she had 'grown up'.

The funny thing is, you know about the individual. You seethe about this to your friends. Seethe, seethe, seethe. You wouldn't want your friends to be in the same town as him. Not because you want to interfere in their sex-lives but because you don't want them to be in contact with a liar, a crook, a stalker who has been known to what in legal terms can only be described as 'predating', young girls, and whose words you can never ever trust. You seethe, all of you. You talk about it, you seethe, and it seethes.

And life goes on. On and on and on. Which probably also describes his 'Game'. On and on and on. 

They tell me

Found an old poem that I'd written in my notebooks. I thought it was interesting, so here it is:

Fatalists tell me that you cannot win the world
Without winning the gods.
fatalists tell me that
you cannot live for yourself
without first living for
the Gods.

Ye Gods, I scream,
whose gods darlings, you poor souls
whose gods are they, those you talk about
What kind, I sk
(illegible) they be your gods
or be the be mine?

Here's something else I found on the same page. Not sure if it's the same poem.

I climbed a hill and digged a hole beneath
the ground my feet.
There were times when I stumbled
and I crashed
Ye Gods, did I crash.

Originally posted on March 26. Backdated to March 20. Poem written somewhere in late 2011-early 2012.


This is another session of BS practice. You may want to skip this if you're bored.

L-systems hold great potential for modelling organic growth. They have been successfully used to accurately describe plant growth, and planners have been using them for decades to generate  urban growth and decay patterns. As a sidenote, most known knitting patterns have been described in terms of reasonably simple L-system rule-sets.

Constrained L-systems can help describe real-life behavior more accurately. When a generative pattern is interpreted as an environmental variable (for example, a pattern could be used to describe the currents in a flowing body of water), and reasonably simple autonomous agents are made to 'live' in the environment, such agents behave in a surprisingly life-like manner even though the generated environment does not even approach to approximate the real environmental situations. Thus it is extremely cheap computationally to model simple organism behavior without spending resources on environmental simulation.

Originally posted on March 26 and backdated to March 19.

You know you do these

You go to disliked blogs to feel good about yourself. Just like you read poorly written books for glum satisfaction.

Scared of revelations from some (few) blogs? Huh. Wink, wink, rbsblog.

People whose writing you like don't post often enough, objectively.

Shooting arrows in darkness.

You feel like you know EVERYONE who blogs in Nepal/Kathmandu...within one-degree of separation. Small world.

Originally posted on March 25. Backdated to March 18.

Book ideas

Idea #1:

Conventional love story. Girl loves guy, guy loves girl. Between them comes the suave aid worker from Kathmandu who also loves the girl. Girl gets confused, boy gets angry, aid worker gets rich. Aid worker's parents are on the boy's side ( the lover boy, not the aid worker boy) because they don't want a gharelu gaunle buhari. The aid worker doesn't really want her either anymore, but he knows he'd be lynched if he let people on to that. The book will feature long philosophical discourses between the girl and the aid worker. They talk from how to use the toilet in the villages (hide all your orifices from other people, and the world's your toilet) to the effect of the Russian Banking Crisis on the village (she admits to him she almost 'ran away' with a Russian, which makes him want her even more). As his tenure finishes, he asks her what she's decided. She tells him she'll stay. The lover guy is long gone by now. She applies for a teaching position in Kathmandu, marries a fellow teacher, and does PostDoc in North Carolina. She meets the aid worker after several years in Maryland and philosophical discourses follow (she didn't really want her first child; he was forced to marry). The book will mostly comprise of dialogs between the aid worker and the girl. They will discuss how things have changed over the years. This book is a great opportunity for writers who don't want to tell stories and want to unload their views and interpretation of Nepali and global politics onto others.

Idea #2:

Kathmandu's sad story. Features two symmetric deaths-- one that happens in the second chapter in the background and the other that happens at the end. The second death will leave the possibility of a second part very open. The protagonist is a seventeen-year old who thinks he's the upper-middle class of Kathmandu. The story is about that assumption -- people will reminisce to him about his parents. His father abandoned the family in the village when he was too young to remember and his mother eloped with an aid worker (yupp. I'm glad you see the common trope.) He was brought up in a boarding school (mine) and adjusted so well he never thought of family. He will realize how vulnerable he is after graduating. However, life will be kind to him, and he will get a really good aid at a really good Liberal Arts College (Grinnell). He will return to Kathmandu in the middle of a semester to attend a family bereavement. In the end, he will be emotionally uprooted from Kathmandu.

Idea #3:

A veteran aid worker figures that Nepal would be a much better place if it were run by him and people like him. Circumstances favor him, and he gets to do things he had always wanted to. As it happens, his ideas about how things are to be done are disastrously misguided. Story ends on the brink of a war.

Idea #4:

The title of the book is "I Love You". Cover features a wide-eyed attractive Newari girl with slight cleavage showing. It's about her travels and travails. She goes to college in Sweden, runs to the United States, almost takes refuge in Cuba, and gets very close to starting a diplomatic incident in Belgium. She is a math genius, has eidetic memory, wants to work as an artist, has affections for communist individuals despite being anti-authoritarian, and has a very popular blog. She uses some posts from the blog to become a columnist at a major daily in Kathmandu. Her sidekicks are various men she meets at various places and two of her closest friends who we hear from on-and-off during the story. The story is open-ended, leaving way for another book, maybe even a series. Readers will never understand the title of the book until they buy the second book (after one's popular enough) which will feature the stories of the men that loved her and the men that she loved. The second book will be a lot more popular among teenage girls than the first book. Also, an aid worker who is also a Maobadi/Mantri is the main villain. Probably, if it were to be anywhere close to real life.

Originally posted on March 25. Backdated to March 17.

Analyzing Social Media Content

A recent study by researchers at University of Cambridge has revealed a high degree of correlation between personality traits and 'Likes' on Facebook. Here's what the results most likely mean:

If you Like:                                                           You Are:

Nike Shoes                                                                 Gay
My Dog                                                                       elderly ex-miner Texan of Bavarian descent
Pygmalion                                                                  black
DaWriterPost-xx's Blog                                           a likely candidate for next year's club presidency
Umbrella                                                                    trying too hard
like if your bf just told a dirty joke n u laughed     gayy
Dork                                                                           a Whale aficionado
Pervez Musharraf                                                    likely to pass dentistry school in the next two years
Hello Kittie                                                              Indian
The Earth                                                                 Catholic Minister in Zambia on a two-year mission
Lungs                                                                        a dork
Plush toys                                                                a second-generation Armenian immigrant in the UK
"Who Moved My Cheese?"                                   horny bastard
Shangrila Momos                                                   in your mid-twenties flirting with younger guys
Tel-Aviv University                                                cute
Little Kids                                                                wasting your time

Inspired by this

Originally posted on March 25. Backdated to March 16.


I had three cheeses today. Descriptions.

Gouda: Imagine you are lost in the countryside, and it's raining. There's miles of wheat farm around you, and visibility is limited. You're drenched to your socks. At this point, you're praying you don't get pneumonia. You see a two-storeyed house several hundred feet away, and run towards it. Your shoes get stuck in the loose mud, and by the time you're knocking at the door, both your shoes are plastered in mud. A woman with a baby on her arms opens the door. You explain your situation -- she tells you the husband has gone to the town and invites you to the house. You call your friends and it's decided they will pick you up the next day. You ask your host if there's any place you can spend the night in, and she offers the guest room.

The guest room is made of wood -- vintage wood that smells good, and has several wooden barrels(important). It's the driest wood you've ever seen, and your (quickly drying) wetness is a sharp contrast to how warm and dry the room is. Your host gets the large fireplace in the room going, and you dry your cloths near the fire.

Your host brings you a big glass of the fattiest milk you've ever had. You notice her complexion is that of light-honey, and that she still has some of what you assume to be birth-weight. Your cloths are dry now, and you talk to her. Somehow, you end up having sex with her, even though that was the last thing in your mind. The feeling you get right after the sex is the same feeling you get after eating (the) Gouda (I had). Regardless of your gender/sexual orientation.

Unknown Cheese(White-er): The teenage girlfriend who everyone thinks you must have hoodwinked to be with you. She is attractive, and is into sports. She's probably in her school's sports team had you bothered trying to know more about her school life but you think that's creepy. School was a long time ago for you. She is almost taller than you are, and tries to get you to follow her physically-demanding regiment. Sometimes, you feel it would probably have been a good idea to be with someone closer to your age. She's gorgeous though, and relentlessly faithful. She melts when you want her to. Your feelings for her are three parts love, one part incredulity, and one part annoyance.

Eating this cheese is like is having dated that month for almost three years now and waiting to hang out with your other friends in the weekend.

Unknown Cheese(Yellower): If you had to describe the taste in one phrase, you would call it 'sharp without the cutting edge'. But that doesn't explain the full range of tastes of the cheese.

The woman from Gouda cheese may have smelled like this when she was pregnant.You were deeply in love with her even though she was married to someone else and few days away from birthing his child. But maybe not, because this cheese is not that strong.

Your mouth is buttery for several minutes after eating this cheese even though you don't think it's particularly heavy or buttery. The burp the cheese brings out of you is not violent or annoying -- you feel like it's a natural course of eating it. It goes in smooth, and is not as goody-goody as the whiter cheese (see: second cheese) but neither is it as dark as gouda. If this cheese were your friend, you would hang out once in a while -- maybe even do double dates-- but nothing more often.

The color of grass the pasture animal that produced the milk for this cheese must have been grazing on would be light green, if you think about it. It just seems that kind of cheese.

Inspired by this

Originally posted on March 25. Backdated to March 15.

HapPi Pie Day

Piepie chukaaunga, thakur, paai paai chukaaungaa.

Late in the night

Three hours beyond my bedtime.

Prof. Parag Pathak at MIT is of Nepali origin.

The mohawk-hair guy of JPL has Iranian Parents. (Why are Iranians attractive AND smart? Shahs of Sunset barring).

The Chinese Born dude who couldn't afford college and went to Duke because the aid was so good who solved Boston's school problem(hopefully).

Prof. Raj Chetty who was tenured at Harvard when he was 28.

Solving problems is the game. Not crying over unsolvables. Why was I lost?

Screw start-ups. Screw tech companies. Screw consulting firms. Screw I/NGO's. All I want to do is solve world's problems, have fun doing it, and inspire as many people as I can on the way. The only way to get out of the rat-race is to create your own marathon ( that's the worst euphemism ever).

Why so much so much

Feri Nepal jadai chu. Hohoho. that's either: 1) excited hohoho, or 2) sad hohoho. I don't know myself.

Is it me, or do the bandas make Kathmandu more of a prison than it already is?

Phrase of the day: Echo chamber of my head.


'Disorientation is the loss of East', I told B almost three years ago. It was from Shame (or was it The Ground Beneath Her Feet?), and I'd completed it for the second time. It sounded really cool at the time.

Now I want to read things people in Kathmandu are writing.There's nothing to 'ground' me to Kathmandu anymore. There's sad poems, there's I/NGO-babble, and then the soliloquizing. Where do I find some solid-hardcore writing from Kathmandu, yaar. There's NepaDotLi dai, whom I probably know in real life, and ShakesPears dai whom I don't know. Does Kathmandu reallly need all those fashion blogs? Theory: too many good Nepali writers are in the I/NGO arena, and can't write anything but their reports. It's an established fact Nepali journalism is shitty because of that, but my hypothesis is Nepali blogosphere is poorer than it would be because there's no honest posts, just the press-releases and bullshit stats which no one cares to check. I fought a yak with my hands.

Also, K chha yaar Al..? Long time! Hope college is cool and things? Summer ko k plans cha timro?

I'm working

I'm working on papers. Strangest things have been happening, not all of them good. Spring makes me very very very happy for no reason understandable reason. My attention span is now giving me concerns. I can now program for android. How to use GPS? Will be going to Western Africa. Want to go to Nigeria. Nepal. Didn't take a photo today because nothing interesting happened today. I seem to have lost something inside me that I had in school. Need people to focus on my work. Man is a social animal. So am I, it seems. My head aches. Learning R. Need to learn Javascript and map in processing. I'll work with my arduino during the break. Dungeon's going to be fun. Want to read good Nepali writers who write things other than poems about their sex lives. Someone should do a Kinsey report on Nepalis' sex lives. what is it that makes us tick? What to during the summer. power. Politics is whatwhatwhatwhat. PolSci class is interesting. My prof. could be unemployed soon, and I'm very very  sad. He's a PhD. Is there no one else that blogs? What to do? Need a community to make me work. Not Indian group that claims to be south asian, but isn't even Indian. People, people. Tech crowds. Think of Kathmandu for all projects, the reality crushes every one. Something needs be done. Google+. What? No, seriously. Google+. No, skype was there. It's not revolutionary. It is. Google+. Banda. Google+ is. What's the difference? Google+. I..don't have the time for that. Need to establish something that goes on. Groups. Communities. Who'd be interested? Kathmandu.. is not. Or is it. Maybe. Things must change. They need to. seriously.


For those keeping watch, this is how I spent my 'programming time'. The canonical correlation between the two parties' agreement on how satisfying sex was, for a a married couple, is ~0.83. Interestingly, the least correlation was shown when then husbands said sex was the most enjoyable. For them, sure, it seems. Their was close to complete agreement as to when sex was bad (the one you see on the screen: 0.987 is for bad sex).

It's not my fault R has a built-in dataset that's named sexualfun.

The pun with this dataset and the command I use below. Priceless.


I tried long sentences. nonstop sentences. Got tired of them. Too many commas and loss of sense of story. It was difficult to keep the short-attention readers. Here, readers. This be short from now.


1. don't like lists, but people do. So here's one.

2. should be studying right now.

3. considered installing grindr app on my phone at one point. Stop sniggering Su.

4. started feeling a lot more like a real-person person lately. know the reason well. trip

5. rare fantasies of the self-published millionaire.

7. strange daydreams of awesome Prime-Ministership after catching up on PolSci readings. how people get into politics. Hm.

8. As the last phase of being me-independent, cutting off the connection to twitter soon.

9. haven't yet gotten a signature/talked to a random person today. not sure if i will.

Endings and beginnings

Chutzpah's pronounced Khootzbah. Why didn't I know that?


I just completed the challenge that began a month ago. I've posted here daily for the last month. I've made up for days when doing that was unavoidable. I also took photos daily for the month, with 2 exceptions.

What lies ahead? Do I want to keep this on?

It's an obvious yes. I like writing, and  missed it over time. I'm not good, but am improving. Will keep improving. That means copying good writers. I can be second-rate AJ Jacobs. Hmm, maybe a third-rate AJ Jacobs.

My writing is patchy. I write those weird pieces when uninspired. They're pointless gghh. They show where my failures lie. Your bad projects inspire you to do good.

This is not an ending. It's a beginning.

I need more rules for writing.

I need disciplined writing. Despite stupidity and lack of skills, there's room for improvement.. With the right 'contacts' (heh heh heh), things can work out well.  I want to work with Caity Weaver, yo. Thatz so cool.

That's for the writing. I want to keep photos taking. It was fun. They will be uploaded soon.So, yupp. Posting blogs every day and taking photos daily again.

There's one other project.

For a month, I'll get a stranger to write their names, and a sentence every day. Meet a stranger daily.

My resolutions for a month. Start on March 10:

Resolution 1:

   Write at least one blog post daily. Follow rules if anyone gives them.

Resolution 2:
   Take photos daily. Always. Post photos here later.

Resolution 3:
  Meet a strager daily, and get them to write their names, a sentence every day and the date. Post here.

Resolution 4:
   Decrease time I spent on Twitter/ Reader/GoogleNews on cellphone (they're blocked on my computers). Read books instead. Prefer books over the internet. Even those bloated annoying ones. Try to get at least one non-text book a week going.

That's it!

Stack overflow

The stack has overflown. Means one has run out of things to write about, in a month. See you when my brain is back on track. Adios, amigos.

Writer of note

If you're up for reading something that's not terribly deep, but funny, and will make you think sometimes, go for AJ Jacobs. The previous post was an excerpt from a book of his that I'm reading. I've been unable to do long posts recently because of work. And life. Of which, I have quite a bit, thank you very much.

Relevant sentence

A sentence from a book I'm reading..
   I wonder why so many of my friends pretend to be a misanthrope

Brilliant and hilarious stuff by an AJ Jacobs.

Nilnu na okelnu

I might fail an assignment, really badly. And I was already behind in the class. Should have spent less time doing the recommended reading. Damn. Just as I was catching up on the readings.

When you should feel good

This is old news but I read a wonderful piece on honesty earlier today (which will get its own post later) which inspired me.

You should know you're in a good, mostly-happy place when you don't have any lies to tell -- because you've already told every truth there is to tell. You know you're in the right frame of mind when you are honest with people, and get rid of your petty, manipulative (and you KNOW you are manipulative) self. You stop being manipulative because: 1) it won't work: you're clear as a glass, and 2) because you see a greater value in honesty.

We're no monks, and Buddha lied too. Silence instead of truth is good, if that is strictly to protect people's long-term safety and stability. Speaking aloud what's in your mind is a great idea -- you start seeing the world as a wonderful place where you don't have to spend the majority of your time figuring out reality by collating different reported versions of it. This is not even philosophy.

Who killed Mr. Burns

The question is a big one, and all the secrets have been revealed. CIA killed Mr Byrns.

However, Burn's bodyguard thought that Smithers was a member of the CIA, so he killed him. Kenny died while trying to save him. I found this from a secret member of the Simpson who does not want to be revealed.

The story goes as follows:

I was in the party where mother-queen was making delicacies in her own chamber. I am lets say, one of the helpers of the mother-MrBurns. We have been in the palace for centuries, so I went to help her. Around the evening time, I heard some noise and I was worried the brat Smithers who was known in the palace during his younger years for the bad behavior, had unloaded a gun again. However, I was in no position to go.

Board games

At the very minimum, board games are the alternative lifestyle. They're the future, yo.