Some Important Life questions that eveone should be sentimentally brooding over

Where does this end? Where is the universe going to? Will we ever get cheap momos again? Can I never ever ever bargain at BhatBhateni? What is the truth behind Dasdhunga? Who killed Mr. Burns? How many Miles must I walk, before you call me a marathon runner? Who is Anthony Gonzalves? Do Rabbits eat dog biscuits? When was the last time watched a Nepali film without making a joke out of it? Will I ever shut up? Who the heck told me to do that? How can those idiots mess up such an easy task? Why does Harry Potter like playing the hero and risking his and his friends' lives, could he simply not have refused to participate in the Triwizard tournament? Will I ever have more followers than people I ma following in twitter?

I have been rather brood-y lately. Whenever I am free(which is pretty much always), I start searching for serious answers to serious questions(see above) in life that need searchin'. It's actually a pretty darn hard work, and I am usually not 'lazing around like a pregnant woman' all the time like my mother claims whenever I am thinking (I can think better when I am sleeping). After months of thinking really hard on the pseudo-realities and the possible results of an interaction between our multiverse and an alternate Universe, I have come to the conclusion that  uncarbonated drinks are better than carbonated drinks, even if the carbonated drinks can, theoretically, get you drunk, drunk drunk.

A new soft drink is in the market: Nimbooze. When I heard of it first, I automatically assumed it was some kind of alcoholic drink where you put in lemons and tiny little umbrellas, but with lemons put beforehand, so you just have to get an umbrella to make it look pretty and you are good to go. Later I found out that it is only uncarbonated lemonade that tastes exactly like lemon and comes in a relatively small volume. As they say, good things come on little packets.

And so I began to wonder, is it just a coincidence that one brand of uncarbonated beverage has publicitystorm blowing over it actually creates international tension between countries, and then almost as if on cue, another brand of similar beverage(though not in flavor) is released? Mmm. I think so, even though I am in Team Real. Yes it is a coincidence, silly, silly coincidence.

About the 'important' life questions thing, the answer to all of life's questions certainly lies in the questions themselves. Consider this: A 47 yr-old farmer in a village 4 hours' walk from Jiri does not ponder upon the question: 'Mmm, Should I pick my nose here? What if someone sees me and puts in on the national television, and then I am no longer elected as a normal farmer?', he just picks his nose. On the other hand, Obama surely asks himself such questions several times a day, and then his life decisions lie in the answers to the questions he asks himself. As a high-schooler, he probably asked himself the solution to the problem in the Middle-east, and pondered upon ways to completely eliminate nuclear arsenals from the planet, while his equivalents in BNKS(and everywhere else) ask themselves (and each other) the best ways to do things they really should not be doing, without being caught, or when caught, giving the most convincing answer to the otherwise embarrassing question the HoH might ask.

Pfft! Life. Soo overrated, amirite?