When the only right thing to do is kicking the other guy's ass and running the hell outta there, and why harry potter is more of an idiot than a hero

A hero is someone who does something 'heroic'. A 'heroic' act is generally a brave and selfless thing. By that definition, can a hero ever be cowardly or unheroic?

Harry Potter seems lesser of a hero as time passes by: he’s more of an impulsive an stupid teenager who does precisely those things others tell him not to do. So it would be a great idea to tell him to NOT to eat his vegetables because they are cursed by Voldermort to make him actually eat them.

In the  first part, everyone’s telling first years not to go nosing around the third floor, or get into trouble by fighting, or not get broomsticks. He does all of them.

In the second, there’s a monster that’s creating a mess and mister smartypants has to go poke his way around…

and so on…

The Real Hero is Rincewind from the discworld series, because he kicks asses even when that’s the last thing he wants to do.

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