And then as Friday comes, I am like so frikkin' happy, but Saturday's there and I'm like all bwaahhaha-bwaaaahahah

I love Fridays, always did. At BNKS, Friday was the best even though it was NOT a chicken day. But to sort of make up for that, we had the movie shows and the curd day thing and we were like "Yayy Yay Friday, you rock", and all, and then we lived happily after all and stuff. And then came the Saturdays.

Saturday was Chicken day. Under normal circumstances, it would have driven us crazy happy,with the fried rice in the lunch and all, and then the biscuits... Then there were the the Movie Shows(in junior classes, but whatever) ... So, it should have been a good good good day

But it was Saturday, for God's sake. The following day was Sunday, which everyone hated so much, so everyone hated Saturday because maan, it came before Sunday.

Today's Friday. Pu's leaving on Sunday, Av is leaving today, and I am very sad. Pr's leaving on Monday. That's going to leave only Ni and me here in Nepal. It's a sad, sad world, amirite?

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