So why are there so many other people here, lets eliminate them already

I don't understand why we have to live with so many other people who are so different and so weird and so (either totally backward, OR too prudish). We should eliminate them all.

We are the brave Gurkhas, you are then brave Gurkhas. You won wars, we won wars, we showed the world our braveries through killing our enemies. Since we have so many enemies now, lets 'eliminate' them all. Attention!

So anyway, I wonder how many other people have watched that totally sucky 'We are the brave Gurka, you are the brave gurkha' song. It's on youtube, and you really really should watch it if you have anything remotely to do with Nepal. I suspect it is going to be one of the first really popular Nepali memes in the Internet.

I wanted to write this because I saw a post from someone I respected, defending those bigoted dumbass racist right-wingernuts who think building a Mosque near 9/11 Ground Zero will be 'disrespecting' the victims of 9/11. Yo barffaces, what idiotic logic(if any at all) have you contrived to connect the 9/11 attacks with the prohibition of building a Mosque around the area? Oooh, ooh, lemme guess: Since those terrorists were Muslins, and Mosques belong to Muslins too, Muslins should not be allowed to worship, amirite? Because all muslins are freedom-hatin' evildoers? Yeahhh! God bless 'Umrika! But only the White Christian God, and not at all the freedom-hating Arab Muslin Terrorist Allah, amitite?

Talking of which, does anyone know of a good place to shop for shoes in Kathmandu? I sorta need several pairs of formal and semi-formal shoes, as all the pairs of sports shoes, sandals, and sneakers are quickly coming to the end of their lifetime, thanks to the very untimely growth spurt on my feet. I either have to wear my father's shoes, which are two size too big, or squeeze my rapidly-growing feet into my old shoes, which is like trying to squeeze school dress of seven guys into a single school bag, so that you can convince the Head of House that you are not running out of the school, when you actually are.