Coping with trouble in life

Life is not a bed of roses. But then, even  'a bed of roses' is not literally a bed of roses. If it were, it would be instead called 'a heap of flowers that only resembles a bed, because no one wants to sleep on something that will squirt icky plant juices on the slightest touch', and not 'bed'.

When you are in trouble, the best option usually will seem to be to give up and run away from everything. It is an illusion, for it is not going to solve any problems(unless of course, you happen to find god when you are running away, and help him). The best option is always, and absolutely always, getting hit by a car so that you get taken to the hospital, where you will have absolutely no worries, except for your life, sanity and the wholesomeness of you limbs. People around you will scramble and fumble, unsure what to do next, as you enjoy yourself on the bed, served by dutiful hospital staff and relatives, just as uncaring and free of the world as a crow's egg before it is about to be eaten by a snake. THAT is life.

Sometimes, you have absolutely no control over things around you, and the only thing you can do is stand back and see events unravelling. You will feel hopeless, lost, and powerless, but remember: you are already doing the best you can. When good things happen, you feel elated and wish they would continue forever, but when bad things start happening, you wish you had a bit more control over everything, and that you could influence things. You can, in a way-- by thinking positively and projecting the most optimistic outlook of the future, you can begin to lose the sense of hopelessness, and get ready for the time when you have things back in your control. However, it is usually futile to worry about your dreams, so whenever you find yourself entirely helpless and no possible course of proper action, remind yourself that you will wake up in the morning, and things usually are not so bleak in real life.

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