How to get away from trouble without pretending to have heart attacks: tips from someone friends with a lot of pros

So, there's been a lot of getting-into-trouble thing lately, from the early morning bunking parties being busted, to lovey-dovey couples getting caught for hugging. Trouble is, kids these days don't know how to keep off trouble, or how to escape from if they do get into one. Some advice.

1) Be dumb, bro, be dumb

Most people who get into trouble are naturally dumb, or they would not have gotten into trouble in the first place, but even undumb people could get into trouble when they're really out of luck. At such times, it is best to pretend to be dumb and not have any idea about what the freaking hell is going on. Extra points if you can get the vacant eye expression and contorted I-am-so-dumb lips.

For example:

You work for a secret agency(say, Mossad) and you get in caught when trying to steal top secret documents from the Egyptian Embassy in Kathmandu. Now, letting them know that you are a superintelligent and agile dude who works for one of the baddest secret services in the world is not going to help ya(on the contrary, it is going to make them want to slit your throat there and then even more, and that is not a good sign.) So, get your dumb look out in an instant. Start shouting: Sir, sir, maile kei chorna khojeko haina. Tyo ta partira ko Ramay le yahaah mero gahana chhuteko chha, khaayera pachaidey na bhaeko thiyo ra po ta...
The Egyptians will not understand anything, they will call the police. Cook up some wild story to the police too, but they won't believe you. You will go to jail. On the way, one of them will search you, find a document, and keep it with himself. The promised amount will be sent to your  separate unnumbered bank accounts in Zurich, Kobe, Geneva, and Sao Paulo, and you will be released in two weeks.

2) When in doubt, run

It is one of the easiest things to do, run, and yet a vast majority of our youth population has a problem understanding this basic advice: running away from trouble. When you know the police are coming for everyone at a dance club at eight in the morning, you do not want to be making calls to invite your girlfriend to the cafe next door, you want to forget that you ever had any kind of dignity, and run away as fast as your legs(or other people's legs, depending on your ability to convince other people to carry you during times of distress) can carry you. Don't wait for the police to come, and then make some lazy-ass lame-o excuse like 'Umm, I heard that my friend was bunking classes and doing dance parties and stuff in the morning, so being the good friend that I am, I wanted to tell him the truth about life, the universe, and everything." You needn't have taken all the trouble, you could have messaged him the answer, no?

Even if the police are not coming, it really does not hurt to sprint a little in the mornings--stretches your muscles and freshens up the mood. So even you hear some unconfirmed rumors that people who should not be coming are coming, make a run for it.

3) Make embarrassing excuses, not lazy-ass ones

Say, you were absent in your college/school for three days. What explanation will you give to the people there? That you had fever, or that you had to go somewhere Really urgently? Meh. Jaded reasons everyone has used since time immemorial, no one even believes this sort of thing these days. Instead, make reasons people would not expect you to lie about.... diarrhoea. Have you ever heard anyone ever lie that they had had diarrhoea? See the point now? People don't make embarrassing excuses, and by using them , you are getting a step ahead of your bosses, genuinely convincing them that you really did go to the toilet 53 times in three days.