Too much already?

Is it too much to ask for
a glass of tea
without the fear of being burnt--alive?

Is it too much to ask for
a bus to travel
without fearing of being stoned to death?

Is it too much to ask for
the right to be,
fearlessly, of the faeces and the urine?

Will you do what you say,
Or will you do what you will say
Or perhaps you will do what they say,
Or maybe do what they will say?

May I trust you?
Or will I have to wait,
For something to happen,
So I can trust you, again?

Why are we here?
Were we were going somewhere?
Are we there yet,
Or will we have to wait?

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Now, now, now?
Isn't it time, already?
How long will we have to wait?

Can we get something on the way?
Like a burger or a popcorn,
Maybe a keg of beer
So we can be drunken all the way...

I don't like travel, it's nauseating
I wanna sleep
Wake me there when we reach
Oh wait! Are we there yet?

Oops, sorry, bad stomach
Shouldn't have drank the beer with the milk
I hope your handkerchief was not made of silk

Oh, what's that...
Stop, stop I need to take a pic
Man, this is so cool, its gonna look awesome on facebook
Yes, the road is very pretty, but I still wanna get there

No, no, I am okay, thank you
Lets eat meat and feast
And kill the beast
So that the Sun may rise from the east
Also, I wanna read the comics Asterix

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