Sex and the City: A Nepali story

Warning: This writing contains explicit descriptions of things some people might consider 'adult' or 'unacceptable' so please use discretion before reading any further. Any emotional/physical discomfort or distress that might arise from reading this piece may not be used against me in any way imaginable.

Disclaimer: The title of this piece is a lie. the following writing has absolutely nothing to do with Sex and the City(TM) brand. If you were hoping to find anything remotely related to that field, you advised to get a life and hang out with actual humans beings and interact with them instead for looking for weird things on the internet. Thank you!

These days, no place in Kathmandu is safe. Ever since the NYTimes branded Kathmandu as one of the hottest gay destinations of the world, and even listed some really cool places for gay people to hang out, it has been considerably more difficult to hang out exclusively with other guys. You don't even need to be catching hands or hugging, the simple fact that you are hanging with other guys will make people question your sexuality.

Not that I mind. If someone wants to assume I am gay(or a cartoon character, or a bedlice who has assumed human form to suck blood out of the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, for that matter) I have absolutely no complaints. Rather, as long as my privacy and individual rights are not violated, I would want people to keep guessing different things about me, so I could fit in anywhere during the election time. Gay constituency: there, constituency for the superduper awesome dudes and dudettes: there, meeting of the forum of people who force their psychotic rants upon others: present sir! No, presumptions do not bother me. It's the bad hairstyles on people who call names that bothers me.

Seriously, if people really want to call names, they should probably do something decent with their hair first, and then do all frikkin politically incorrect things they want to do. I mean, no one's ever everr gonna take a guy with a 5'' green Mohawk seriously, even if he calls people he hates very bad names whose meanings he thinks should be offensive, but really are not. The names he thinks are BAD WORDS are: gay, lesbian, vagina, penis. Yes, that's it, that's the best he can do. Although he can add two or more of mentioned words to make a complex swear word if he is creative enough. But even then, it's gonna be of no use, because that guy has a FRIKKIN MOHAWK, which no person with visual senses is gonna take seriously.

Same with the girls. They have this dark pink hair, and some piercings on their foreheads. At least I assume it to be  their foreheads, because with so many decorative ornaments there, I would not be surprised if I were looking at some form of modified earlobes, or other parts of the body. Most importantly, however, they have PINK HAIR, DAMMIT! The best scare they will ever get is from a 4-year old who thinks those hairy creatures from the zoo must have escaped.

To be honest, I don't have particularly anything against pink hair. One of my favourite Harry Potter characters has pink hair. It's just that... ya know', *Pink Hair*??? WTF were they thinking? I mean yeahh, sure, you want to show that you are a 'girly girl' and not some godforsaken vile creature who happens to be a girl AND like a girl, but you don't have to turn into a Poop Monster to prove that you are not the Scary Monster of the Night...

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