The awesomest thing ever- Touching noses OR Touching noses is not as dirty as it sounds[updated]

 Update: My theory was correct! It's definitely a metaphor for almost-having-sex-but-not-really-in-a-platonic-way-come-on-dude-dalai-lama-is wayyy-beyond-her-league-to-do-*that*-with-her Link

So, I was wondering, what is the awesomest *cough* *cough* platonic feeling ever when you are with someone else: is it holding hands, hugging, petting someone's head, kicking other people(I swear this feels pretty good too... even being kicked feels awesome if you like the person involved, but I am not going there now), playing finger wrestling while secretly knowing that your long nails are hurting the other person a LOT, but s/he's not showing it, and so you can continue to gouge their skin with your fingers because hey, you had
NO idea that it was hurting him/her, right? And then I realized it was a pretty dumb thing to be thinking about, because the answer HAS to be, obviously, touching and rubbing your noses together while your forehead bumps with the other person's forehead. I mean, obviously.

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Photo: Robert Patterson/Getty Images

May 27, 2002

The Maoris of New Zealand greet each other by touching and rubbing their noses against each other. That's right, instead of the Laaaame-o Namaste, or the ok-ok handshake, they frikkin' get to TOUCH PEOPLE's NOSES on a daily basis? Just imagine that... I mean, if your the prettiest person of your neighborhood, and everyone wants to bump their noses against yours, now you might not like it as much, but for pretty much everyone else, those nose bumps would be like awweome. And if you guys like, mutually like like each other, you could bump your heads, noses touched, and smile, like the Dalai Lama dude and that woman, who obviously has a crush on Mr Dalai, but even more awesomer, because your foreheads would be so much nearer, and you would be so close, and it would not even be weird in any way. I mean, it's juust your noses touching, right?

But then, I suspect it might not work well over here in Kathmandu, or in anywhere else in Nepal. Case Study: I am touching noses with one of  my friends who happens to be a girl. People see us touching noses. The news spreads.

"Oy, did you see that guy and that girl touching their noses really intimately?"

"Really? They were doing that in public? Pfft, they have no shame, yeah?"

" Yeah, I knew that girl was a *cough* hoe from the very beginning... You couldn't imaagine how many people she has rubbed her nose with.. Just yesterday, I had seen her rubbing noses with that exchange student, and now she's doing the same with him"

" and I wouldn't have imagined he was the kind of the guy who rubbed noses with girls in public"

...And the old people would talk about the moral degeneration of the country, and how young people are rubbing noses with each other all over the place with no respect for the elders or anyone else...

But anyway, I have a theory why Nose-touching is really so intimate. I have seen a lot of people bumping their noses against little kids' or alternately, tickling the kids' noses with their own. I am guessing that's so because people realize (often unconsciously) that it is the safest way to get as close as you can physically get to other person without actually-- you know-- kissing or stuff... Just below the tip of your nose are your 'internal' body parts, and you can actually touch your internal organs(well, almost) without getting umm.. you know, too frisky.... So, It's awweosme!

Go bump your nose against someone else's nose already!


  1. Sirish bhai, this is the way Maoris greet each other. Maoris are indigenous population of New Zealand. I have also done this with Maori men and women. There is nothing funny or anything like that with this kind of greeting.

  2. Yeah, I agree... It's soo intimate k, like a REAL greeting should be... It's just that for stupid reasons, we can't do that here because-- you know...


Tell me what you think. I'll read, promise.