Runil's top achievements of the year 2010[updated]

Update: If you noticed, I had misspelled 'achievement' the first time. It fits, as 'learn to spell properly' is NOT in the list of my achievements for this year.

Things I am  glad I did this year.

  1. Went to Singapore and Malaysia, and saw REAL cities.

  2. Got published in magazines and e-zines WITHOUT working for them as staff.

  3. Made tonnes of new friends, most of whom are totally so adorable.

  4. Got to know lots of awesome people. [This is for you, Pr, Ra and Sa. Also, kinda Al)

  5. Started writing for this blog seriously

  6. Started contributing in the comments section of Nepaliketi ko blog. Awesome writer, you should totally check her out[wherein by 'her' I mean, her blog. I swear, Nepaliketi Di, I wasn't telling people to check you out. Though I'd totally do it if you wanted me to]

  7. Watched Prawin dai's film Kohi Mero... and two other Nepali fiilms

  8. Went to Gud Cinema Gwarko, and watche film at third the price of what I usually pay in Big Cinemas

  9. Did the flashmob kathmandu thing

  10. Kind-of worked with Ujwal dai ko movement. This year, I want to do it better

  11. Learned to play Counter-Strike, became quite good at playing it with touchpad, and multiplayed it with the guys

  12. Taught LOTS of people how to open a gmail account, and how to join a google groups group. Also, taught things to several techno-dumb people.

  13. Started using google for ABSOULTE everything---including controlling facebook and twitter from reader.

  14. Attended Scribble-Wibble

  15. Discovered vent(

  16. Discovered xoxoxo is hugs-and-kisses, and NOT xxx, which apparently means 'hardcore'...

  17. Started using bad words in my blog

  18. Sent people SMSes that meant absolutely nothing to them, to get replies saying that I had sent them msgs intended for someone else

  19. Did NOT imbibe alcoholic beverages of any concentration, despite the several opportunities and situations to

  20. Finally learned the art of completely ignoring people

  21. Fed chickens from my own hand/cleaned chicken poop

  22. Got rid of all the baggage of anger I had been carrying, and reset all my relationships with everyone! So now YOU! could be my next BFF!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3
  23. Became an Approved commenter on both Gawker AND Jezebel. Greatest. Achievement. Ever.

  24. Finally got over the Rato-Bangla-mania that almost every BNKS alum has. I love you, all the peoples
    of RBS, for whatever you are. I am never everr everr comparing BNKS to rato bangla again.

  25. Started several flame wars in the internet, and at one point was 9 out of the sixteen participants in the flame war, from the both sides. It was more of a performance art than provocation, and I will definitely write more on this later

  26. FINALLY read lots of Dave Barry, Joel Stein and David Sedaris. Read the entire Murakami short stories collection

  27. Got interested in photography/photoshop

  28. stopped bothering su with weee-ird emails

  29. Did not threaten the stupid-email forwarders. Tried to accept them for what they are without being judgmental: stupid dumb-asses who have no regards for other peoples' time.

  30. Went to more restaurants than I had in all the previous years

  31. Found something that's almost(and maybe, is even more) better than Harry Potter-- Discworld! Terry Pratchett Rocks!

  32. Did all kinds of funny/stupid/weird/dumb things throughout the year that made some girls from BNKS think I was gay(FYI Im not ketiharu, but whatevs, i dont care)... I would definitely want to do these things again and again...

  33. Did NOT eat Durian fruit (message on many hotels in Singapore: Weapons and Durian are not allowed here)

  34. Kicked Mr Ma.Ku.Ne's Official vehicle on the tire

  35. Threw up only four times because of seasickness

  36. Discovered Achmet the Terrorist and that funny dirty-talking British comedian

  37. Watched more than 50 NEW hindi films(I lost count after the first 19. What dork counts all the movies anyway?)

  38. Watched absolutely all movies of Ranvir Kapur

  39. Resisted all impulses to post in that sebsonline forum

  40. Met Miss Nepals and other 'big people', was just as unimpressed as I'd though I would be

  41. Got bitten by a grasshopper of undiscovered species in chitwan

  42. Picked mangoes and bananas and oranges and other fruits from our baari while NOT being bitten by the many snakes who appeared to be disturbed.

  43. Kind-of danced with friends

  44. Avoided absolutely all the parties I could avoid without getting into trouble

  45. Got Namrata Shrestha's autograph, and shook hands with her