Once, there was a Hari Talking to a Ravi

Once, there was a Hari talking to a Ravi. Hari, being what he was, suggested they go to Goa. Ravi saw no point in it. Hari said that there was nice beach, historical stuff, cultural stuff, interesting people from all over the world, hawt girls and real good multicultural cuisine. Ravi was not interested. Hari then said there were hot guys too. Since Ravi was gay, this got him pretty excited, but it was still not enough for him. So they decided to toss a coin.

The coin toss resulted in, after a long and complicated process, a mutual friend of Hari and Ravi getting pregnant. The DNA tests proved conclusively that Ravi was the father. Everyone was like, duude, WTF, and you did this even though you're gay, thank god that you're not straight. Ravi pointed out the fact that if it had been a straight guy, his straightness would never have been come into play, and that they were all homophobic morons and they should die.

But that turned out to be expensive. All those who were blaming Ravi were women, and they now thought he was a sexist bastard who did not think that women were as intelligent as men. To prove to him that they were better than men, they decided to take up a challenge: set up a permanent female-only human base in Mars within 15 years. NASA said it was impossible, and everyone else said that too, but they knew they'd succeed and they kept at it.

Until finally they had to admit defeat in 7 years. It was not their fault though, because the Orzxborks of the 33rd dimension had invaded the earth using their hyper-dimension interlucutator laser ion canon, and humanity had been enslaved, so their plan to create a permanent human base on mars had to be put on hold.

Then one day, everyone realised that they were just living in a dream and decided to really make a mars base instead of confusing people with stories about aliens who had never existed. They destroyed their Ultra Mind Controllator which they had used to hypnotise the entire planet, and after three years of being hypnotised by scientist-women, humans finally realized that it was all a big dream.

Actually, it was not. The Orxzxborks were just playing games. They got hungry, so they killed all the humans beings and ate them. And then they later turned earth into a landfill planed full of toxic nuclear waste.

But the Council of Normaniangarh convicted them of Crimes against the Universe for destroying an innocent planet and the organisms living in it. They were sentenced for three eternities in the ultra-high-security prison of Azkabaniamanian dimension.

The End

The Moral of the story is: Bad guys always lose. Also, if you think you have created a mind controllator, you're being controlled by the aliens too.

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