A denial of the baseless accusations made against me

I have been accused of being many things. Evil Scientist, the same without the  'Evil' part, Harry Potter, the little guy from star wars who talks weird, bear, a piece of Mexican blanket, an entrepreneur, the market (as in the market of supply and demand), and many other things which I now forget. But I have never been accused of MPD ( defined by the accusers in questions as Multiple Personality Disorder; talk about inventing your own words, pfft), mostly because it is the last thing that comes into one's mind while making accusations. I mean, people call others crazy, dumb, stupid, self-important, grouche, lazy, smartass, idiot, retarded, weirdo, and so on, but come on, who even thinks of accusing others of the so-called MPD? Its just too weird.

So anyway, I have been accused of the thing, and  hereby vehemently deny such accusations. If it appears that I have differing personalities here, and elsewhere, it is only so because you can only see the end results, and not our histories, and justifications just behind us, like our tail, like the one we put on on a certain Pr in grade seven and he carried on for three lessons, and was later mad at everyone, but haha of course, absolutely everyone took the responsibility and he got confused about who to be angry at, and we made fun of him. Actually, it sounds as if we bullied him when put that way, but actually we weren't. He bullied us, truth be told. But anyways, that's over now, and the nightmare that was in the place is far behind us, so now we can hug the future, all the while taking it's wallet out of the back pocket. Also, we can also shake hands with it, and take its cheap watch, but it will take our very expensive ring in turn without us realising, and it will become a popular gag, oft-used in several movies whose writers are running low on jokes.

But I digress. I am not an MPD or whatever. I realise the thought process that probably went while making those accusations, and I can completely identify with that. I mean, if I were not myself, I would probably accuse me of being multiple instances of me too, but since I am me, and not someone else, I know why I am not the multiple instances of me inside the single me, but a single me, the only one that exists. I exist, therefore I am. If 'we' existed, I would be we but since they aren't here, I aren't we, but I and I itself. As popeye said, 'I yam what I yam, and that is what I yam'.

The connections are easy to make. I have, rather unnecessary, not used my real name in most of my posts. My justification: I am ashamed of this blog, and everything I have written here.

I have not referred to any friends here. My justification: people don't like being talked about, specially not in front of some bored crowed from around the world( I have no idea who in Russia visits this blog. Maybe they do this to warm up their computer in winter, but whatevvs) who has nothing better to do but look at pointless, often grammatically incorrect posts which don't usually make sense, and are pointless. Seriously, WHY, people, WHY? I understand that my dijjus and bhais see it because we're related and stuff, and you get something you can blackmail me with in front of my parents, but I think everyone else should get a life and totally ignore me. Specially those who come from facebook. Back to where I was: people don't like being talked about, and I do not intend to change things.

Finally, there's the most obvious reason of all: I have not really talked about what I have been doing for the last two years here. Why so, you might wonder? There are possibly posts numbering in the hundreds where I have somehow made references to my life in Budhanilkantha, and friends from there, but what have I done since? You're never going to find out from here. And there's a very simple reason behind that.

Those who com here from FB don't don't need to know because they already know. The BNKS network(not the facebook one, the human network) exists, and I know what people I have not met for seven years are doing, even when they aren't using facebook.And for those who don't really know who I am, BLEAH! Big friikin' boo, amirite? Why would you guys even care?

But more importantly, I do not want to endanger my real-life opportunities because of the several--erm, shall I say, not so flattering-- views about things. Yes, I think bad things about you, but don't want you reading it every evening, K? I write stuff, but I don't want it connected back to myself. So, that's why.

THAT IS ALL! Eat well, and try to avoid dangerous food. You'll get sick. And don't eat the Thela ko momo, even though some people may claim that they are the best. Trust me, they aren't as good as ND's ko momo, though they could be better than Bakery Cafe's . Also, Panipuris never do you any good, posting offensive things about your teacher/employer on facebook using your real account/name is never a good idea, and I am currently writing seven different pieces for TKP and republica(hopefully all of which will be published some day). Also, one of my dreams right now is being featured on Gawker-- or working for it, but it all depends on where my sucky life goes hereon.

We had six momos yesterday-- I should have had only five, but I took one from my sister(she was in a good mood) and it was six. They were quite big, and I was almost full. They were from this wonderful place below Naya Bansweshwar Departmental Store, and you should totally go there. No, they have not sponsored me in any way, though they did give me two extra momos once when I asked. You just have to ask people, and then amazing things will happen. Also, if you haven't realised already, I am trying to lengthen this post by as much as I can, so that it appears boring and uninteresting and no one reads it, because honestly, I don't want to rant, and even when I do, I don't want people to read it, even when I have kept it in a very public place, like the board of Journalism Club. Yes, people, that 2006 piece about Odyssey was a rant and stuff. Also, it was Vi's idea to write it, and he gave me all the juicy gossips that were included in the piece. Dai, if you ever read this, Vi chor (heh, sorry, K) told me several other incriminating things but I did not include them because they were not relevant. Not that what I am writing is relevant to the topic of the post in anyway, but what the-- I have to make it as long as I can without getting into trouble, and I cant think of anything else right now.

..That's as far as I can go, for now.


  1. HAHAHAHA, this might disappoint you but I read the whole thing and enjoyed it! And I think I know where this is coming from! hahahahahha

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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