The External Anatomy of a Chicken and Other Life Lessons

This week, I learned that the pickup line "Oh, I didn't know the series was based on such a FAT novel" does not work on a medical student who's carrying a copy of Grey's Anatomy. It's apparently THE handbook of Medical Anatomy and has got nothing to do with the show. Shocking, right?

If the trend's to continue, Devil Wears Prada will be a television series about a Kinky Rakshas(Devil) who likes wearing fashionable clothes for women. He struggles with his identity--he's supposed to be a strong character, a classical bad guy, but he's got a thing for women's clothing, and the series is about how he finally understand that people have to accept for who he is and he doesn't care what others think about him because he's the baddest and most hated guy and way and nothing could ever go worse, so he starts wearing clothes like Cher, but then he realizes that he actually DOES have a lot to lose-- the girl who he's got a crush on thinks he a weirdo, his subordinates start respecting him less, and whenever he invades the Heaven, the gods and their minions break into hysterical giggling instead being terrified by his presence.

He slowly develops his character as a normal kind of guy who has different tastes, and by the end of the series, Prada becomes an exclusively Men's Fashion line dedicated to cater the interesting needs of the bad guys. The girl falls in love with him, because he accepted who he was, but he's fallen in love with someone else now, and we get to know in the second season that the first gal is pregnant with his child.

He also has a funny loopy best friend who always seems to make the wrong decisions, but somehow ends up just where he wanted to by the end, his girlfriend who wants to get married and is tired of his lack of long-term vision about there relationship, a father who will die in a car accident in season 3, a mother who will be diagnosed with cancer at the end of season 1 and will die in the last season, after which He decides to settle down, and so does the friend and everyone lives happily ever after. Well, except those people who the Devil torments, tortures and kills, but hey, it's his job. He'd be unemployed without it, and how else would he feed the adorable children we get to see in the flash-forward seen in season 4?

Pr from P had already told me about Grey's Anatomy and its writer, and I was hoping to show off my knowledge about the author to some random strangers I met on the tempo home. It did not work  at all.

In grade 8, we had to draw the external anatomy of a chicken for our agriculture class. My chickens were always too chubby--because what idiot farmer would rear thin chickens. Fat chickens=more meat=more money. And I never got the eyes right: sometimes, they'd look too cute for a chicken and I'd feel bad about it because they were going to die and I'd be sad that a chicken with such cute eyes would be slaughtered so soon, since it was so sad. And sometimes, they'd be too weird-- the farmers would probably kill the poor guy in its childhood; you don't want to keep a chicken that looks as if someone's put a curse on it for too long.

In a related note, (and this is 100% true) I cannot look at goats tied in butcher shops in the eyes. I am not a vegetarian, but when I look at them, I get the feeling they know their fate and are pleading me to help. So I am  Sorry dude, you are probably dying this evening but I am going to overcome my guilty conscience by not ever looking at you and ignoring your existence. Oh, and sorry if that hurts, but there's not much I can do there. And stop buggering with you bleats, or I am going to get you killed right now. Never look at a goat in the eyes.

Those to-be doctors I unsuccessfully tried my pickup on were talking about having seen fetuses and heart and as such, which made me wonder: how come hearts look like 'love' AND strawberries, the most romantic of fruits? Can a person get a heart-attack by running? Also(I asked this question to Pr too, but he's answer was not very satisfactory) why the HELL does the position of an Anesthesia Expert even exist? Why don't they just make the patients smell lots of chloroform(trichloromethane) like they do in hindi movies, and then use some more when the patients starts getting conscious. Pr says it's gotta something to do with bodily 'reactions' and other scientific stuff, but I think this is a conspiracy by the Chemical Industry to sell unneeded chemicals to the unsuspecting masses, and all the doctors are in the conspiracy too. And everyone else.
In other unrelated news, I got a T-shirt and keyring from NCell, I have become a thespian, and life sucks. Also, you should totally attend this event organized by one of my friends:

STOP PRESS: In a maybe-related note, see this post by nepaliketi I was NOT like that. Total solidarity with you, Di!