Real life is funny too...

No comments. I have no idea who 'rel' is...


  1. this is sooo not funny !!! and neither is yo bhanda agadi ko blog . mr pokharel i think ur loosing ur touch .iam just a person who happens to read ur blog from time to time when i have nothing else to do and i must say that the entertainment value of your blogs have beeen declining rapidly .

    my advice to you , stop posting khate stuff in your blog and start writing something that is actually funny or something that is atleast remotely interesting

  2. hahaha!!!

    I don't agree with anonymous....
    It's "runil...haha" ko own blog...nd he has the freedom to write whatever he wants to......
    It's no khatey at's interesting :)

  3. Agreeing with the second anonymous, he has got the right to write anything thing he wants! If u don't think what he is writing is interesting don't read it! Simple!

  4. haha, i have this wee-ird feeling alok, anon1, and anon2 are like friends... whatcha sayy, Alok?

  5. haha. watch out shirish. and start carrying a whistle from now on.. like you know, the rape whistle thingy..


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