Machine gun was invented in Nepal?

I've been really interested into weapons, of late.. The Germans made a certain Rifle for Americans, the Israelis copied the design, the South African copied the Israeli design, and Singaporeans perfected the Rifle, and the Indians mixed everything up and came up with Vidhwansak. So, I want to go into weapons design: it sounds so easy-- get a successful weapon, reverse engineer it, add or remove a few parts, and claim that YOU invented it. And give it a kickass name. Like Vidhwansak. Or Raktakaali, which is what I want to name my weapon. Scary-sounding, right?

I was researching weapons in wikipedia, and I came upon this, which seems to imply that Machine Guns were invented in Nepal. Now, I am not patriotic and stuff, but if it were, I want to design guns too. And I could say that its in my blood, my people invented the light machine gun, and stuff. LINK
Update: Okaay, I didn't see the bottom part... But still-- Bira Gun!