Friends and other embarrassing things

I miss school. Friends, fun activities, other kinds of fun activities, pointless latenight arguments that would regularly invade breakfast time, Not talking to girls. I miss the last part the most-- the NOT talking to girls part. Good Ole' Days! Heh.

There are innumerable topics people talk about and they can be mainly be divided into two main groups: about girls, and not about girls. Boys talk about girls, girls talk about girls, and other people talk either about guys who talk about girls or girls who talk about girls. The point is: absolutely everyone is quite interested in girls.  

Hoi, did you just see the girl with the Orange jacket? Yeah, I did too. She's older. No, but its only two years so that's okay, right. 

And then a girl who's a friend pops up. Whatcha guys talking about? There are two possible options. Since no one answered immediately, the answer should be clear.

That's the problem. When we were kids, we could be so judgmental about girls. It was a guys-only party, and except a few well-known snitches who'd give away even the darkest guy-secrets in exchange for a sweet girlie smiles, we could be sure our secret would be safe. Yaah dude, I'm telling yeah, that guy's totally NOT her brother, right? Have you even seen him near her parents, like, ever? I am pretty sure they're hooking up, and they're making it like-- you know. That lucky son of a b--boggart...Did you see her new hairstyle? Is she trying to look like Hermione or what? Err I thought she looked nice. Yeah, you'd think she looked nice even if she shaved her hair. Yeah, I would, she's that hawwt.... Omigod, guys, did you know she's like, three years older than us and she got demoted by three years? And She's hanging out with, like, guys who're ten years older. I heard straight from her sister's friend's brother. I always thought she looked kinda old....Baah, she's got no brains at all--she's just pretending to be smart.... Why do girls have to be such crybabies? I just called her bad names; it's not like I touched her or stuff, like last---....

No, they weren't always pretty. And I didn't always like being a part of it. But it was OUR little world, where political correctness was largely unknown, and we could speak whatever we felt like. We knew we were being judged too ( haha, did you notice Runil had put on SOO much coconut hairoil today?), but it was all okay, because we never came to contact with such and such. The peace was uneasy, but it was peace nevertheless.

Then we suddenly grew up. Talking to girls, being friends with them, hitting on them (instead of AT them, which we did previously) was the IN thing. You were an uninteresting bore if you didn't have girls who were friends. Our seal of secrecy began leaking. Years of untold gossips and rumors and guesses began to be shared.

And then we left the frikkin' school.

People kept in touch. The meetings were just the same--instead of pretending they were meeting for some club meeting or other, people began to meet at friends. Who cared for each other. There was skype, and facebook, email, phone, and whatnot.

Hardly any secret was left untold. The hurtful ones are the juiciest, and sell the fasted. Some of them mattered, like in the case of EP, but most of them didn't: what some dumb fourteen-fifteen-sixteen yearold thought mattered little, when that person had already grown up.

With new possibilities come new problems. Our potential friend-circle has doubled. We couldn't have girls as friends, no matter how awesome we thought they were, and now we can. And we do. But things we talk about remain the same. Either a) about girls or b) not about girls. a) Is the problematic one.

Friends are friends are friends. But still, discussing the state of certain glands of the female human human species that separate mammals from rodents is tricky in front of female friends. With guys, that happens all the time, without reservations, because they do not have to be self-conscious about such topics. With girls--errr. Does any guy really want to discuss with his female friends the level of protrusion seen in the items of clothing worn on the bottom part of the body by men walking on the streets? Oh, I like that... That's interesting, I never thought they could go that way... OMG! What is that?... FAKE... I dont care for such things... Well neither do I, but they can be interesting, you know...Ouch, that must huurt...eww that does NOT look right--or god, look at the physical oscillations of that particular specimen, makes you wonder what the time period of the cyclic movement is, dunnit....they should nnot allow people to wear clothing like that...that reminds me of Sylvester Stallone...hey remember that Seinfeld episode where they talk about... bleh, not interesting.... All the time, you're praying this stop right now, because you know in their subconscious they are imagining YOU walking down that street, in your tight speedos.... Being comfortable with your body is one thing, listening to friends discussing it and making comments on it entirely another.And then they *wink* at you. Its not a good idea, really.

It's fun to be judgmental bitches, but most of the 'fun' part runs out when you see that people are going to be judgmental to your face.

But you know how the topic can be changed. "Lets talk about women," you say unsubtly, and then reminisce how that one friend of your had this really nice girlfriend who left him and stuff. "Was she pretty, was she prettier than him," is the first question. These are safe grounds. Yeah, she was very pretty, and he was okay-looking too though you don't really know because you're not gay, but hell yeah, once she had this low-cut sweater on, even though it was technically not allowed, and you cannot Imagine what some guys claimed that day. And that too, we were only in 10. Or 11. But she was not the prettiest. There was this girl who absolutely everyone thought was so pretty in the beginning but--- and the this girl, she had the biggest-- anyone ever saw--and they had Newton's laws on their own...

It's your turn to bitch, and all the restrictions, and the unease disappear. A friend is a friend is a friend, guy or a girl. Maybe you should stop now? Okay, how about now-- I think this is going too far. Then she stops you abruptly. "I gotta go home,"she says and leaves. And you realize you always find out there's a line only after you've crossed it.