Darling Valentine and Shaktiman

Darling, aankon sey aankein char karney doh.
Darling, public mein sansani ek baar karney doh
-7 Khoon Maaf, where Priyanka Chopra sizzles, and definitely is NOT the murderer, whatever you may otherwise assume. I am watching the first day first show. Releasing Feb 18.
The most romantic thing I have heard this year, from the song:
He is some Pushkin from Russia, and then left Moscow for me, because he loved me.


Update: It's apparently based on a Russian folktune and some old Russian song. Both of my favorite songs of all time are now either Russian or Russian-based.

There's a river Darling in Australia, where I hear they sell porcupine-baby meatball for cheap. And they add babypig's blood sauce with that, for free, but you have to ask them to do that. And then they have a special valentine's day offer, where those who can eat alive babies the most get a free supply of means of birth control for free. I don't see the logic behind that, but then I don't see logic in general anywhere, so that's not a big deal anyway.

Why does Valentine's day exist, and what is the best way to celebrate it? Getting drunk on the rum in that ice-cream they sell in that Ice-Cream place in Durbarmarg is a good idea, but I think it was Sthani who told me that you needed to eat a LOT of Icecreams to get drunk on that, and no, she and her boyfriend were not going to sponsor the icecream so that I could get drunk on it on valentine's. She says that I should be thankful they're allowing me to tag along with them for the day in the first place, because according to her, most romantically-inclined couples don't let a third guy, who's not related to either of them in any way, and is not a good friend either, follow them for an entire day and do whatever they do, with them. I told her that it was probably her boi who was giving her those mean ideas, and she should care about her friends too and not just her hunnybunny to which she replied that she has barely known me for three weeks, and doesn't even know why the heck they are 'adopting' (her words, not mine) me for the day in the first first, which to be honest, seems a pretty good question to ask yourself before you make a decision. Then I shut up, because you don't argue with fools. Especially not fools who'll take you with them for Valentine's day, even when you don't know their last names.

So there's this place where they let just anybody to sing songs, and they plan to go there, and sing songs, to win the Grand Trip to Thailand, which they will not be using as a couple but give to one set of their parents. They are tossing coins to decide which one.

You have to be very careful with coin tosses. They are not as easy as they sound. First, its best of 1. Then it becomes best of 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 23, and so on, until you have exhausted pretty much all the prime numbers till 83. Then you have to think real hard because which is the next prime number. It's 89. I know because I have been involved in way too many best-of-prime-number coin tosses. The trick to winning to those things is to calculate the next prime number in your head, and ask for the set to be extended so that you have a comfortable lead. Until the other guy gives up because of fatigue and Stockholm syndrome.

And then there's the singalong, which sounds a tad too stupid and unbelievably retarded, where I am going to give singing a shot. There's a rule that says that only couples are allowed, but I have been told that there are many others like me-- nosy irritating buggers who have no business in other people's relationships, but enjoy the entertainment-- and I plan to find someone else like me to sing with. I can't sing, of course, but I think that's not the issue here, because puh-leeze, arnold could not act, einstein could not do basic geometry, jane goodell was scared of monkeys, hugh hefner would get strokes whenever he saw women unclothed, and camels have a sand-allergy, but heyy, that did not stop them from being great.

And I am definitely NOT going to this event tinyurl.com/pillowktm, which one of my acquaintances is organizing, because I HATE FUN, and I want to spend that day having not-fun, because what could be a more interesting way to spend the day, amirite?

In other updates, my thespianism is going pretty well, and events have taken interesting turns, so it's nice and all that yippidy dapiddy. As for this blog, which is becoming SUCH a headache for me, because gah, I don't want to be read, please wait for 10 more years, I will probably be limiting myself to a weekly What I have been Reading update. Or not

...back to the Valentine's Ballads...

And then the Hatim got up and kissed the Shehzadi. She spit in his mouth, and then at his eyes, because she was disgusted by his bad breath, so there was a tussle between him and the palace guards, and guess who won? Hatim the hero, obviously, because that's what they do.Then he and the Shehzadi ran off to Russia where they invested heavily in energy but things tanked out and their property was seized by the Molotov Administration. Slavianka Tatiana, the first Lady President of the Russian Republic fell in love with the Princes, and she escaped with her to Ukraine, where they were murdered by a Nepali Mossad Agent, who had been trained as an Egyptian Double-agent in Yemen, and been sent to infiltrate the Saudi secret services. Which brings us back to our first question-- who is love, and why is he so annoying?

Most philosophers have been dumbed by the question. They stare blankly at the ceiling, mumble something about having to pay the mobile phone bill even when they have pre-paids, and hurriedly leave the room. Then they close the doors and windows to their flats and tell their wives that

if a guy named Runil calls, tell him I died, or something. Make something up, you bitch, I don't want to talk to that runt. Geddit? Now dont bother me and make me some sandwiches. 
Then he's clubbed over by the wife, and taken to the hospital, because seriously, modern wives/husbands should really not take that at all.

The dude with Latino looks and really large curvy mustache that should remind you of one of the major characters of Dame Christie. Why is everyone so obsessed with him--Oh wait-- I think I know, but nevermind. I have to consider family-friendliness here, and since most families are friends with each other, I do not want to make immoral decisions that could tear apart the very fabric of our traditional and highly respectable society, only to create chaos and confusion everywhere, so that, as Mr Main Villain from Shaktimaan says, Andhera Kaayam Rahega(the Darkness will remain/may the darkness remain).

Oh yes, Shaktimaan.
What happened to Gita Vishwas anyway? Did they marry, and did she have Gangadhar's babies, who, if she did, is probably going to be celebrating the valentine's day with ' family friends' too, and then eat a porkchop with mustard sauce and red bull, and fresh yak milk in the organic bistro so that the great Egyptian pharaoh who has ruled the entire planet for more than 17000 years may drink the bloods of frikin' fat kids.  It is a commonly known fact thatAmericans will be the first ones to be killed in a zombie attack because no sensible ghost will ever think of capturing smaller countries like Nepal because that's the way the cookie crumbles, and the marbles roll.