Harry Potter Yo Mama's so fat jokes supercollection

Thanks to Pr for allowing the use of  these. The original posters cannot be attributed, but THANKS GUYS, for posting in Pr's wall.

  1. Yo moma's so fat, the sorting hat sorted her into all four houses!!
  2. Yo mama's so fat, she has to apparate in sections.
  3. Yo mama's so fat, a dementor looked at her and said "I can't eat that, too much cholesterol"
  4. Yo mama's so fat, the spell wingardium leviosa cant lift her
  5. Yo mama's so fat, jk rowling had to write another book just to fit her in
  6. Yo mama's so fat, her wand core is icecream
  7. Yo mama's so fat, she ate the death eaters !!!!
  8. Yo mama's so fat, she makes Hagrid look like 'Mini-me'
  9. Yo mama's so fat, her patronus is a cake.
  10. Yo mama's so fat, that she ate cornelius fudge
  11. Yo mama's so fat, that she looked into the mirror of erised and saw a cake!!
  12. Yo mama's so fat, that if she confronted a boggart it would morph into a treadmill.
  13. Yo mama's so fat, the dementor couldn't figure out what part to kiss.
  14. Yo mama's so fat, it takes two boggarts to shapeshift into her
  15. Yo mama's so fat, that she ate Neville's toad and she thought it was a chocolate frog.
  16. Yo mama's so fat, she got stuck in the floo network
  17. Yo mama's so fat, when you shout "engorgio!", your wand says no.
  18. Yo mama's so fat, tht even her quidditch robes have strech marks
  19. Yo mama's so fat, that she spliched herself and none noticed
  20. Yo mama's so fat, when she joined the death eaters, they changed their name to ham-eaters
  21. Yo mama's so fat, she has a blanket of invisibility
  22. Yo mama's so fat, that if you use sectesempera on her she bleeds butterbeer
  23. Yo mama's so fat, they added a new house table in the great hall just for her
  24. Yo mama's so fat, that when she gave her elf a sock he thought it was a parachute !
  25. Yo mama's so fat, that she had 15 kilos of doxy eggs for dinner
  26. Yo mama's so fat, that a picture of her is hanging outside the gryffindor tower!!
  27. Yo mama's so fat, that the dementours cant suck out her soul at once ;)
  28. Yo mama's so fat, she had to hire a contractor to sew her new dress robes !!1
  29. Yo mama's so fat, that she makes hagrid look like a house elf LOL
  30. Yo mama's so fat, that if she was an animagi she would be a blue whale !!
  31. Yo mama's so fat, that she got stuck between platform 9 and 3/4
  32. Yo mama's so fat, the great lake had to be refilled after she dived in.
  33. Yo mama's so fat, she's in the portrait guarding gryffindor
  34. Yo mama's so fat, she uses the Firebolt as her toothpick
  35. Yo mama's so fat, the Goblet of Fire chose her as two out of three contestants for the Triwizard
  36. Yo mama's so fat, she has to use seven time turners at the same time to get to the past in once piece.
  37. Yo mama's so fat, the Quibbler has a monthly column to find out if you are actually inside her stomach.
  38. Yo mama's so fat, no one can survive her deathly farts, not even her parents.
  39. Yo mama's so fat, that even fiendfyre cant burn all her carbs !!
  40. Yo mama's so fat, that dumbledore put her as one of the obstacles in the triwizard maze !!
  41. Yo mama's so fat, that the ministry has classified her as a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX fatso specie
  42. Yo mama's so fat, that she fell off from both sides of the hogwarts express!!
  43. Yo mama's so fat, that madam rosmerta had to put up a sign that reads "Maximum Occupancy: 24 Patrons OR Yo Momma"

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