I was cheated

Here's some pseudo-sexist incoherent farce:

The Hardy boys were 17 and 18 years old when they became world-famous detectives, and Nancy Drew was 17 when she tried becoming the female version of Hardy boys, except that she could not do anything right by herself, so she needed help from her wonderful boyfriend/father(not the same person) whenever she was in trouble. The first woman voter in the world only voted in 1902?

Women have the special ability to make sandwiches and make other girly stuff, which men can bothered with, which is the reason why the world is so awesome and women have to stay at home even when they don't want to, because its Techonocracy and Singapore has it, so whatever could go wrong with it, so stop complaining and go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitch. Extra sardines. And get yourself whatever the hell you want but please stop bothering me.

Wha-wha. What is--heyy, are you angry? No, I was just teasing you, I swear.  Heh-- no, no, I would never treat you that way, not even in my dreams, so please put that long shotgun away and I'll make you a nice mushroom pizza with lots of extra toppings, okay? No? 

Okay, how about I bake you a cake with my special secret ingredient? Uh, oh. Maybe I should have thought before marrying the woman whose previous six husbands all died under mysterious circumstances. No, no,  I was not talking about you sweetie, I was just telling myself what an awesome tennis player you are and that you would  beat me in a set of 23 games--you'd win all of them, so you are that awesome. No, honest! 

I was cheated by this new film. If you're a regular reader here, or know me from outside, you know that I have been going crazy over this particular film for the past few weeks. We went to watch it yesterday--its a wonderful movie, and you should watch it too-- but I felt cheated. I was promised two different versions of the song Darling in the album release, but they had only one and that was the shorter version. Boo! They suck, those suckers!

Talking about suckers, the husbands in the film are the biggest idiots I've seen in Hindi films, and trust me there have been big idiots in the past (when Anil Kapur becomes invisible, he abuses his power by taking some sick revenge instead of--never mind). Fourth husband onwards, everyone knows that the previous husbands died under mysterious circumstances and that the wife is under suspicion, but they are Meh, I am probably the hero of this story, and the hero never dies, so I won't die, so I totally gonna marry her and become the guy Who Lived, but they aren't the heroes, they're some poor suckers who may or may not be terribly bad people but don't deserve to die nonetheless.

It also has some pretty sick sex scene, though it is not very graphic-- Anu Kapur from Antakshari does it with only his facial expressions and dialog delivery. It's going to be quite embarrassing when the little kid next to you asks you what is happening to that guy, though,  and how come he is dying for no apparent reason at all, like the little kid next to me almost did. And someone else--who was not a little kid-- did too, and that further complicated the things, but I chose not to answer her because we are sojho people and we don't talk about that kind of stuff with friends who will actually ask those questions.. Be prepared to discuss the bees-and-birds story with your friends when you go watch this.