The cosmic game

This is a part of 'project 110, going back and re-filling', writing is happening 8ish months after the date.

Thus the game (of dice) may be a module of certainty in harmony with a cosmos of total knowledge. This is the ritual model of the dice game, in which the rules are fixed and predictable, if only in that they exclude loss for the superior being. Or, the game may be a module of uncertainty that opens the cosmos toward new shapings. This is the cosmic, mythic, and epic model of the dice game, in which the rules of the game are pliable and are themselves in the process of being shaped by the playing of the players, who are, in turn, in the process of being shaped by the rules. Given these modular characteristics, the dice game, like other such contests, is once again a strange loop that plays with relationships between whole and part, between internalization and externalization. This loop may appear at virtually every level of the cosmic order, and it can be designed to accelerate connectivity or disconnectivity.

- God Inside Out, Shiva's Game of Dice (Handelman et al.) page 74

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