Dal-bhat kauli paneer lunch, at Thamel with NG and DA, Chikusa again, meeting PU and AS in Sanepa, dropped off near home, Bhakka house with new friend, on to the dessert shop!, broken computer [Wed 1]

Disclaimer: This is being written in mid-July, because that's how things are now. I'll write the daily journal posts months after the original days. Shrug. At least it's happening?

As I start writing this in mid-July I've noticed something, maaan my days in Kathmandu were so very eventful. The first two weeks were very eventful and I figured maybe the following one month not so much, but nah the second month was eventful as hell. The last two weeks, in May weren't as eventful as February that is for sure, but I'm surprised how many people I was meeting, how many places I was going, all the food I was absolutely gorging on all this time.

This is quite a bit in contrast to the feeling of emotional wellness I had. I enjoy people, and find it productive to be around others, and like to host and have company, but am at peace with myself. And the most important part of all is that I like to be in control of my life and living situation, turns out. Which is...not much...of a discovery, it's shameful to call it an observation even, but yeahh something that hadn't been given much thought before.

Regardless, let's move on, there's a lot of ground to cover after this. Once I'm done with February -- and I intend to do so in one sitting, the current one, -- there's March and April left and the retro-posts will be done. I have written elsewhere how I might go in and add other content too, but that's for future me to decide. Having done just the journals will be quite an achievement for me, something I can be content at. This is already by far the most ambitious I have been in this blog, and uh yes there's downsides to attempting this, namely a lot of time doing something that might have questionable value, but that's life, innit?

Right, let's get on.

Had dal bhat kauli and paneer for lunch. Mom always made at least two or three tarkaris in addition to achar, and I call it a good day when I make more than one, what a pity.

During the day I went to Thamel, at Chikusa, and met with friend NG and DA. NG I'd been meeting regularly and it's possible this was one of the last times I'd see him because his time to head back to the US was coming soon. DA I'd met couple of days ago out of the blue, and it was nice catching up with her again. Chikusa was too smoky and not fun, the inside part anymore, and the experience was meh.

From Thamel I walked to Ratnapark where I took the bus to Kupondole. Except the first bus never moved, so I got out of it and went into a second one. That's how frustrating it was. Got out across the bridge, walked near Summit hotel, and PU and ASub were chilling at a restaurant nearby. AS and her husband work at an orphanage and we were all friends from KCM. We talked about our lives, AS's married life and future plans, her in-laws, I called PU a fauxcialist and a champagne socialist and in general good time was had.

PU dropped me near my house, and I walked from there to Bhakka house where I met AU and we tried the Bhakka and dessert possibly even momo too. I had a really good time, AU thought the place was too congested and since she's from east she thought she had had much better Bhakka anyway. So we went from there to the dessert shop and ate like five different kinds of desserts, no kidding.

I discovered my portable chromebook that I'd bought to write on this very blog and completely broken and was on the verge of uselessness.

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