Cross blogging and verifying reality

One of my roommates Sub tells us last night, he's recording the happenings of the day over email and sending them to his girlfriend in the evening. If I ever want to write a biography, I want it to be accurate and I want to kinda' remember what happened, he says. That's a good idea, but how do you know if he's right if it's only him who's recording the events? Sure, a biography is supposed to be one person's view at a series of events, but if you want accuracy too, two or perhaps three, sets of eyes are better than one, no?

Which is why I'm considering putting more household happenstances here, as I used to back in '12-'13, when my annual blog count was in the hundreds (rather than tens, or dozens in recent years). No value judgments mind, just a quick summary of what happened over the day (or the previous day, as it may be) and a couple of points of light commentary. That would be very close to what many people back in the day used to refer to when talking about the act of 'keeping a diary', as it may be (to translate: so, it'll be like, keeping a diary lol). Why not, yeah, why not? Maybe if things are awful this will go down, but I'm not gonna make rules forcing me to write a diary rigorously -- I'll just write that particular stuff when I'm absolutely feeling it, and otherwise just write the random BS I come up with here anyway. I think that's a good compromise.

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