Roomies assemble!

My current housing situation is almost a 'where are they now' kinda thing where all the roommates from the past (of this house) are in here, and working together and it's almost television-like? Like, it'd make a good FRIENDS IMHO, haha, but then I keep saying that about everyone's life so I don't know if that's true (here's my argument: if someone took every two weeks of your and your friends' lives and condensed that into 20-something minutes, with some plotting that doesn't otherwise become apparent in real life, isn't literally every person's life worth telling?) but I still feel it'd be an interesting watch.

In other news, after a break of almost a month and a half (approaching two), I'm back in my dehydrating, fermenting, brewing, etcetera projects, and things are cool. I've started plotting out my various novels (the Raul novel plotting is in my other writing section, it's not as fleshed out, but it's the one I feel I can turn the quickest into a novel, so I should pay more attention into that).

Call me like boasty or humblebrag or like flexy or whatever but I'm actually proud of my rudimentary plotting guys!

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