Bhat-dal-tarkari lunch, juju shopping, delaying flight by 8 hours, RD family comes over and we have a grand feast (so many things!), bhat-dal-tarkari dinner [Sat 13]

Standard disclaimer: This is being written in mid-July, because that's how things came out to be. Oops.

Had bhat-dal-tarkari for lunch, then went to Juju for shopping t-shirts since I had only two days before my US return trip. Spent about 15k in there, it's shocking how common $30 t-shirts have been in Nepal. At least I knew I was getting a good brand with good quality.

Also made changes to my flight so instead of heading out in the afternoon we'd have to head out at wee hours in the morning.

RD and bhinaju came to our place in the afternoon and once again we had many many many things to eat and relax and have lots of fun. I don't have exact memory of the time or the photos but it's possible the whole maligaun gang may have been there, but there's no photographic or memory evidence.

Had bhat-dal-tarkari for dinner.

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