Picking niece from school early, roadtrip to family friends in Maryland with another kid, playing with kids, learning about relationships and Nepalis and mothers and so much good food [Fri 19]

Standard disclaimer: This is being written in mid-July, because that's how things came out to be. Oops.

We picked up bhanji from the daycare early.

Then we started our drive to Maryland, near Silver Spring. It was technically not a faraway place but because of traffic it took us a really long time to get there.

There I met the dai-didi, they were AD's friend from childhood and his partner. His mother-in-law was also there, and so was their 4-yearold daughter. We spent time chilling on their balcony, talking about Nepal, children, good places to hang out and enjoy and eating a lot. Aunty was super helpful and kind.

The dinner was extravagant, so much food my stomach couldn't handle it.

I had heard about these friends of theirs for years and years, it was nice to meet them finally. They live in a really convenient location too, so close to the train station!

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