GrainHouse review

This is a part of 'project 110, going back and re-filling', writing is happening 8ish months after the date.

The problem is one of memory. Not of location or ambience, or one's company, or the quality of ingredients or of methods of preparation. Rarely is it one of price either. Over the course of days and months, events start layering up, what happened last week gets muddled up with what happened the week before and so forth. And in the end you're left like a man feeling his way through the world using his hands.

I went to GrainHouse which isn't too far away from my place but was never on my scope because it seemed like yet another mediocre lunch bowl place, when friend SS from Boston came over in Sept 2023. She suggested the place and I was agreeable.

Here's what I remember about my order: I added tonnes and tonnes of spices. And it's possible after adding the spices, it was decent-tasting. That's all. It must have cost what, 12-14 bucks, and what did I order, a banh mih or an Asian bowl? Who remembers. But this is not the fault of one's memory, it's that one of mediocrity. One only remembers an object that distinguishes itself from the background. Something that blends in with the background humdrum of everyday life is impossible to distinguish.

It's what it is: yet another Asian bowl place, not specially expensive, decent sitting, much like that of the nicer Chipotles, and their food is decent. I didn't have problems with it anyway. If you're looking for a place to eat out for lunch, this is as good as any.

7 out of ten stars.

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