Walk in Chitwan to the Bhatbhateni, discovering the joys of modern supply logistics in the second city, home for chiura-bhujia and eggs lunch, Chiya adda hang with PB, nature view restaurant and bar, beachside with parents, MOSQUITOES! , dinner at Mustang Thakali, live music, light food [Wed 5]

This is a part of 'going back and re-filling unwritten journals' project, the real writing is happening 8ish months after the date as a part of 'project 100'.

In the morning I had to give my legs a workout, so I walked to Bhat Bhateni. Nice neighborhood, loved the veggie carts and vehicles, the local agriculture scene was something to marvel at, the shops and their 'culture' a little different from what we had in Kathmandu.

Had an incredibly good time walking and exploring Bhatbhateni, discovering the joys of modern supply logistics, it felt like I wasn't very far from civilization and the amenities of Kathmandu even in Chitwan. Having all the things at the same place does make a big difference, it turns out, something I hadn't previously considered.

The trip back from BB was crazy, a moronic pathao rider who didn't understand the place and barely knew how to ride a bike fucked me over, left me like 15 minutes of walk away from home, so despite having taken the pathao to avoid the heat, I walked home anyway. Really annoying, so irritating.

For morning meal, we had chiura-bhujia and eggs, because the cooking situation wasn't fully figured out.

During the day I had planned on meeting PB, who lives with parents in Chitwan. I took one of those Magic public transport things and met her. Lots of catchup, talking about class matters in Nepal and the absolute mismanagement of everything that had frustrated all of us. The place was surprisingly fancy, quite amazing, I was impressed. We walked next to the highway later until my parents picked me up.

We went to Nature View restaurant and bar, right next to a river 'beach', lots of mosquitoes, but it was quite nice, we got a few snacks. So pleasant.

Went to Mustang Thakali restaurant near Gaida Chowk, got light food. There was a band playing to an empty restaurant and it felt weird: how are those bands paid, how long does the struggle last, how do they deal if nobody is there to listen to them, is that a part of every bands growth? Regardless, weird night out. Oh in the middle of this all, the power went out, so we were left in the dark for a while too!

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