Questions the heavenly imps were asked as they reported the Universe needed to be fixed or else....

This is a part of 'project 110, going back and re-filling', writing is happening 8ish months after the date.

Since when? Who found it? What is the impact? Will long-term planning  be affected by it? How are humans dealing with it? Does anybody else know about it? What can be done to fix it? Does anybody understand the full details of the matter? Why should we care? Are curses affected? What about the boons we give out? Do the dwellers of Swarga know about it? How long might it take to get this right? What are the consequences if we can't get it fixed on time? What is the backup plan? Can the higher ups change this in an instance? Should we bother them or reach out to them only in the last moment? How disruptive will the temporary changes be? Will the temporary fixes have impact on the everyday lives of any beings? How did we not know about this before? What might we do to not repeat this in the future? How were we able to identify it right now? Is it possible someone is knowingly causing these problems? Can we pool all the resources and tackle this in one go? Will everything else be affected while this issue is being solved? What steps need to be taken immediately? What might we do to assist your current work? How might we communicate the situation to everybody? Does anyone else need to know about this at all? Are their existing solutions that can be applied to the problem? Why were you all so fearful to come up to report the problem? What gave you the impression that you will not be respected, or there will be negative consequences for reporting the matter? Who is the ideal individual to lead this initiative? When's the earliest the work on this can begin? Cam we gradually ramp things up and down without impacting anything else? How do we know this is not a subversive plan by one of the demonic groups? How might they try to take advantage of the situation while this mater is being looked at?

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