Rules for my ganas for when you think you might want to disturb me during my earth stay

This is a part of 'project 110, going back and re-filling', writing is happening 8ish months after the date.

Dear followers, the ganas, the bhutas, pretas and rakshahas making the coterie of my surrounding groups at Mt. Kailasha. As you are aware, I am currently on an Earthly stay, and would strongly prefer to not be disturbed. Having said that, if you really really really need to reach out to me, please look at the following rules, and if you feel taking my time is worth still, then only reach out to me. thank you, and may peace prevail on Earth.

  1.  Do not come calling as the entire Gana in front of the abode of my human residence, and start chanting for my support, specially not in your standard garb. Can you please put some effort and try to adapt with the ages so the humans don't find it strange?

  2. Consider whether an occasion really demands my attention. Ask yourself: is the universe really really ending, or are we overreacting and failing to use cool-heads, and reach out to me only and only if you really really think there's no other option to save the Universe from total annihilation.

  3. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT, try to use Parvati to try to coax me back, or to leverage her to emotionally blackmail me in anyway. I have gotten the hint to your machinations and I'm not going to go along. You guys are just creating a distance between her and myself at this rate.

  4. Do not under any circumstances tell the swarga dwellers my location, no matter how hard they plead and cry. If it is really that urgent, and the Universe is actually going to end, which again, see point 2, then you guys come to me, instead of handing out my secret address willy-nilly.

  5. Don't try to trick me to come back by holding back the guests in Kailash, by telling them that I have gone for a meditation and will probably be back soon. You know you are lying technically, and we have discussed what that pertains. I'm not going to come back that easily no matter who is waiting for me.

  6. If some impatient sage, such as Durvasa shows up demanding to see me, and you are at the threat of a curse, let them know clearly in simple words that any attempt to disrupt my stay on Earth for minor reasons will be taken very seriously. Specially with Durvasa, I have had enough of his shenanigans, he most certainly can not come to where I live, it's already hard as it is in Kailash to light up fragrances and agarbattis, I can't stand him on Earth like at all.

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