First day of new classes, rush to Trader Joe's for dinner prep, downloading textbooks for course, disappointing first session, burgers with Sb, quick QFC run, Barboza with the boyz [Fri 6]

This day was such a rush because it was my first class for the new course and it was a Friday, so it was all so hectic. Because it was Friday, and we were going out and I had Sb come over, plus going out to dance, there was really no time to write on this blog.

So after work I rushed to Trader joe's to buy tomatoes and onion so we could have burgers for dinner. Instead of cleaning the apartment and vacuuming I spent the rest of the time downloading ebooks for the course and getting ready for the class.

The class was exceedingly boring and annoying because we spent the entire 3-hour period on figuring Myer's Brigg's test which is one of the most unscientific and irritating piece of business research ever.  I tried really hard to ignore what was happening and let it happen in the background.

After classes finished I did a quick cleanup of the place and Sb came over. We spent drinking all the various ferments I made, watched tv and chilled for a while. Around 9 we started making the burgers, and then I realized far too late the burger buns had gone too moldy. I had to through it out and we went on a quick QFC run, man I'm so lucky to be living so close to the grocery stores. With the new round of brioche buns bought, we had exceedingly great Chikn burgers with tomato, lettuce, onions, feta cheese, peanut butter, mayo, mustard, sriracha and those round food things. Yum yum yum, Sb enjoyed it a lot.

Then we headed out to Barboza, it was a bit too busy at first, until the end and the music was extraordinarily mediocre. No space to move around, all the cute girls were leaving and the stuff they were playing was impossible to dance to. Still so many cute girls though and if only I'd been drunk i'd have had a lot better time. If only I could get my social anxiety and overthinking plus shyness out when I'm out and about I'd never ever care for booze, that's the only one reason I'd care to drink.

Anyway I wanted to dance some more but the boys were tired and bored and not at all drink enough so we left around ten past one, with plans to hang out again the following night.

Went to sleep pretty quick after getting home.

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