Pau bhaji with veggies and buns for lunch, interlaken-volunteer walk in the rain,TJ's popsicles, spring rolls with sweet sauce snacks, roti tarkari dinner, hang with boys and sb at Chop suey, home at 2 [Sat 7]

I'm writing this in late June, because of the 5-month stay out of my control. This is how life is, how it'll be. What to do.

For lunch I buttered up and toasted pieces of bun real good and use that as base for pau bhaji for the leftover veggies. I'll do anything to use up leftover veggies without repeating a meal, hah. This is a strength, I gotta write about in detail.

Afternoon was interlaken-volunteer walk as it rained. I didn't mind, actually started loving the experience.

Had popsickle from TJ's as dessert in the afternoon.

Made aggressive move to finish the spring rolls with sweet sauce, at this point they were finally done I think!

Dinner was roti and tarkari, the roti looks really good in the pics!

In the evening I went to AK's place and him, AKY and Sk were there, we chilled and hung out and later I went to Chop suey with the boys where Sb joined us. It was pretty decently fun, not outrageously so but not as bad as we've had in the past, where we left halfway thru because it was so awful.

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