Shiva-Parvati household's grocery list for Nandin

This is a part of 'project 110, going back and re-filling', writing is happening 8ish months after the date.

Grocery list for Nandin (PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS PLS!)

  1. The purest of honey made from the goldenflower that booms for two days on the base of Annapurna mountain (collect as much as you can)

  2. Purest, untouched snow collected on the leaf of the lotus plant from the peak of Mandara mountain (50 kilos)

  3. Ghee made from the milk of the cow Kamadhenu, EXCEPT you need to make sure the milk is actually collected from her teats and not wished from her. Remember, it CANNOT be ghee from wish-milk or wished ghee, somebody needs to have milked the holy cow and made ghee out of it! (20 kilo)

  4. Reeds made from the Dandin plant from the depths of the seas where the former lands of Dwarka formerly lay (20 in count)

  5. Leaves of the Yarchan Ghumban plant found in the high himalayas (200 count)

  6. Some bark from the Imaginary Tree, it has to be from the one KalpaBriksha!

  7. Liquid fire from the depths of the Southern Sea, please make sure the fire is not burnt out like the last time! (10 kg)

  8. The blue-green metal from Jambudwip (200 grams)

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