Driving class and gym in the morning, BTD, at Bhaktapur Durbar Square with JD and J, meeting RK in the evening, exploring temples, going to disappointing Mayur Restaurant, so much walking, evening bus home, wild things happen [Sun 19]

I'm writing these journal posts for March four months later, because of issues. I'm not ashamed of the fact, and quite proud actually that I got around to writing them, eventually. Let's get on with the meat and potatoes, shall we?

Went to driving class and the gym in the morning. Had Bdt for lunch.

Took...pathao to Durbar Square in Bhaktapur, near the Indrayani temple. I remember so explicitly because I was to meet J there, and I hadn't heard of the temple before. We met up, chilled and relaxed at the patio of one of the restaurants, getting mostly drinks and using their restroom. Lazy summer afternoons in Kathmandu are the best, you have nothing to do and nowhere to go, except watch people going about their day, absorbing life, luxuriating in the wealth of time you have.

JD came to meet us in a while, and we explored all the temples and places etcetera. We walked to Dattatraya Square, and all across the other side of the area, so much walking! We explored pottery square and looked at all the paintings and art, and considered buying those. J bought something, I think? Maybe it was in Thamel and I'm confusing places. The prices were absurd, even for handmade art, considering we could have bought comparable items in Patan Durbar for way lesser.

We went to Mayur restaurant because I had to treat my friends for the payraise I'd gotten couple of weeks previously. It was vaguely South East Asian flavors, and not at all flavorful. All things considered, it was pretty crappy and nobody was happy about it. Maan it was not so great, what a great loss.

In the evening RK came to meet us, we chilled for like 20 minutes, she didn't have her bike and wasn't in the mood to hang, so I took the bus back to Kathmandu with J.

We saw people making out and stuff again, probably. No this time around the bus was really quite packed, so that didn't happen.

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