Pancakes for lunch, YKD picks me up, at Muttha hydroponics in Thecho, I learn engineering, yummie foods, learning science working with hands, desserts and mediocre food at Raithane, getting ready with laptop for wedding party, Alice party, desserts on desserts, early back at 8 [Wed 1]

I'm writing these journal posts for March four months later, because of issues. I'm not ashamed of the fact, and quite proud actually that I got around to writing them, eventually. Let's get on with the meat and potatoes, shall we?

So I'm writing this n late July. Over the past month and a bit more that I have been in Seattle, I've covered for pretty much all the months (except one) of this year for the journal posts, which is an achievement I had seriously doubted I'd be able to accomplish. I'm planning on this idea called 'project 240' where I'll also try to cover up for the non-journal posts for these months, so that there's fewer posts to 'run through' later in the year if I want decent numbers. Might happen, might not, but if I can get an <groan> industrial process <stop groaning> going to produce 20 posts in an hour or 90 minutes, it seems totally doable? Couple of poems, couple of random lists, couple of random posts, couple of 'reviews' all set out to posts, and filling the 'blanks' so to speak during the writing process? Totally achievable, but at that scale daily seems...hard. Who knows, it might come. The thing I'm procrastinating, oh yeah totally with this project is my reading, novel writing and podcast projects, but if I can pull the procrastination hard enough it'll get done. 12 days of 20 posts each would be intense, but not...insurmountable. And I do that over a month or so, and that seems almost...too easy? Hahah that's a joke, but there's a small element of truth to it.

With that rambling out of me, lets get started. Some more rambling actually. I had assumed, during writing of posts from Jan, Feb, May etc, that March would be the laziest month for me, because April was full of weddings, and May was me getting ready to leave, and I distinctly remember a period of 4 or 5 days, up to 10 days possibly, where I felt no motivation to strive for great things, and live a landowner's child's life. And in these posts, that's not necessarily reflected, though I'm fairly certain that must have happened in these times. There's an off day here or there, but never a run of days where I'm home all day long doing nothing.

Compare that to my life in Seattle now, and that seems hectic! I have a much...slower, relaxed and dare I say lazy and lonely existence, but it doesn't feel that way? So weird.

Right, back on to the regular posting.

Had pancakes for lunch, instead of rice because I'd occasionally get really tired of rice, and mom would make me something or other to eat. This time it was because I was running late since I'd planned to go out for a training program with YKD, and there wasn't enough time to cook rice.

There was a lot of confusion over where I'd come, or get picked up, and YKD had a lot of trouble with directions, and then I had trouble catching up with her, and there was some miscommunication around which grocery salesberry we'd meet at, but eventually we met, and drove to Thecho. YKD was doing a hydroponics training, paid, and 'd be showing up too.

The place was called muttha hydroponics in thecho. We learned so much about preparing coco coir, soil, plants, seeds etcetera, and got hands-on education. In the end, they gave us some really yummy foods, including the leaves they grew inside their massive hydroponic greenhouse. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the largest hydroponic system in the country.

From there we wanted to get some desserts and khaja so we drove to Raithane in Jawlakhel. Overrated, I'd say. The orders took forever to come in, they weren't very good, and the desserts were just. ok. It wasn't inspired. It wasn't artistic. It was priced as such. And it wasn't a hard person's food either. Just fancy mediocre food. Whatever. 

Back home I cleaned up and dressed up, with my laptop, for a wedding party at Alice catering. This was definitely the last family wedding event before late April of TD.

Had lots of desserts, medium amount of fun, and got home early at 8 because I had a job to attend to!

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