Morning driving class, day party with multiple delicasies at mamaghar, momo in the evening at home since parents are away [Wed 29]

I'm writing these journal posts for March four months later, because of issues. I'm not ashamed of the fact, and quite proud actually that I got around to writing them, eventually. Let's get on with the meat and potatoes, shall we?

Went to driving class in the morning.

Much fun was had during the day, Singapore folks (TM and TB) were possibly there now, so many many things were cooked, and hangout was lots of fun. I know I said my parents were away, and they were one of those days, but it's possible they may have been home on this specific day, the specific days blur into each other, I don't yet have enough resolution in memory and recordkeeping to separate very similar but slightly different days four months later without proper recordkeeping.

Had momo in the evening at home.

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