The most happening day in Kathmandu with YKD, I almost run off with tea while waiting for YKD, final certificates and goodies at Muttha at 2, in Search for mushroom farmers, accidental Santaneshwar, Purna's Museum Resort accidental discovery, decent pizza, amazing resort, driven in remote lalitpur, Nagdaha walk, tea at tiny resort [Thu 2]

 I'm writing these journal posts for March four months later, because of issues. I'm not ashamed of the fact, and quite proud actually that I got around to writing them, eventually. Let's get on with the meat and potatoes, shall we?

This could have been one of the most happening and busy days of my Kathmandu travails during this 4-month stay.

Went to Muttha with YKD, but was waiting at De Matka since she was running late. But she showed up all of a sudden and I'd just gotten my tea. I was ready to run away with their glass cups, until they handed me paper cup for my coffee. So silly of me to have not realized they had paper cups for drinks too!

Got to Muttha, transplanted lots of seeds and pods in their external hydroponics system, then visited their massive greenhouse and baby-plant station. Talked for a long time with other friends, got 'certificate' of memory (I didn't get certificate since I wasn't paid, just some 'gifts'), talked some more, and we were ready to head out! Ykd wanted to do something related to mushroom farming and folks there had given us pointers for finding the farmers. So we drove near Godavari looking for those farmers. Well the first time we went to a seed location, and they didn't have what we needed, but pointed us to other possible places. So we kept driving into remote areas of Godavari. On the way we found there's this temple of Shiva, santaneshwar mahadev, sounded cool, figured there was probably some mushroom farmers on the way, so we drove there. The way was really steep and ykd was a beginner driver in Nepal, so it was a wild ride. Parked in the lot, hiked up the temple, worshipped, good time with the gods etcetera. Recently renovated temple it turns out.

After out walk down and in the car, we were both hungry, and wanted something to eat. Right across the street there was this Resort called Purna's Museum Resort, which we decided to explore. Fun fact, we'd both read it as being a museum before we were hungry, but now we realized it was a resort resort. It was really nice, well-designed and architected! I loved it! Would happily go there again if the opportunity comes. Would be a really relaxing location too. Very traditional, basically a museum that was turned into a resort. There we had pretty good pizza and some basic drinks, with our limited cash on both of us. Good time was hand. Cute kitty spent time with us too.

After paying for the incredible meal there, we were still on the market for finding mushroom farmers, so we keep driving into remote Lalitpur. The scenery was incredible, you don't see unpaved roads, pipal-tree intersections and all of that so close to the core city these days, and all the places we went to had juuust been developed. Quite interesting that they were physically so nearby but 'mentally' not close.

We discovered there was a pretty well-known pond/lake nearby. So parked the car, got out, and walked around NagDaha, just like that. Chill, relaxing vibe, if a little dirty and not fully developed. It could be made a lot better, and if they improved the roads, there would be so much more tourism. The roads were really really really bad there.

Found a small 'resort' tea place, decided to stay there for some time, got teas and realaxed a couple of hours.

We were finally done with our long journey, and drove home, YKD dropped me.

Home at 8.

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