Flying to NYC, worst weed ever, NYC could be lived in! [Tue 2]

 Up super duper early, two buses and a train to the airport, wee hours at S. Jackson, good movies but bad ticketing policy for United, NYC arrival, roosevelt ave momos, public transport in the city, bus too, getting to my friend's, walk around town and tompkins square park,  hang with Sk and his cousin, tv, the worst heart-hurting weed chocolates in the world

Writing this 2 weeks later to the day, but this day was memorable so I remember all the details. Oh my, how fast time passes!

Got up super duper early for the flight. Got ready and had a solid breakfast. I'm proud I'd set up the meal the night before, and was already for success.

Took two buses and a train to the airport. I had to wait for 20 minutes at a sketchy intersection in S. Jackson and saw wild things, but ah well. At the airport security was quick, but ticketing was confusing. United airlines won't let you check online for basic economy ticket, so I had to use the machines for no good reason. My review of United is this: they have really good quality entertainment on their flights, but their ticketing policy for lower level class is whack and I'll just avoid them in the future.

Saw lots of great shows and reached NYC. Ordered momos at a shop outside the station from within the flight. The shuttle bus was the best I've ever taken. It took me straight to the heart of Jackson heights. I picked up the momos there, four other people from my shuttle went in the restaurant too. Took 2 trains and a bus to SK's place, and realized NYC is actually a lot more livable than I give it credit for. They have wegmans and trader joe's for god's sake!

Chilled for a while at sk's place. In the evening we walked over to tompkins square park, union square park, and just chilled.

Later in the evening SK's cousin came in, we talked, watched tv, had our momos, and got the worse head-hurting weed chocolate in the world. Both sk's cousin and I complained about it! It was a fun night in, and I'm thankful of the great place I found myself at.

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