Meeting a dear old friend, flight to Boston [Tue 9]

vacation day, packing up and meeting friend ST, hang out at MUD cafe, at st's place and discovering the amazing deal, quick to the airport, but shuttle is slow, unremarkable journey except 2nd flight is without tv, back to Seattle, thank god for frozen leftovers!

The day of my return to Seattle! I write this a week later, and unfortunately all the cool exciting shit that happened is over. I'll mostly write about staying in, my meals, and going on walks for the next many posts. What a simple and not very explorative life it is. On the plus side, super duper quick to write, right? Hah!

I packed up, said farewell to SK, and walked to Mud cafe. Met ST, said hi to  her bub there. The two of us spent like 2 hours eating and chatting. Ok food, awful service, not-great prices. We then walked to her place, where I saw the most amazing apartment in the city and unbelievable prices. It was incredible. We kept chatting and chatting and I didn't want to leave! But leave i had to! ST walked me to the train, and in 50 minutes I was at the airport. The airport shuttle takes confusingly long to get to the terminals, for unclear reasons.

Lined up with United for ticketing, security was quick. First flight had me laugh out loud at Curb episodes, amazing. Second flight gates were weird and tiny ones in Chicago, and the plane had no screen. Just so awful.

Got back to Seattle at decent time, train to home, and got leftovers for dinner. So yum, so relaxing, I was back on!

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