It's likely that the obsession with this journal/blog is holding personal growth back

I've alluded to this in the past posts. I'll keep it short.

To write here at the 'cost' of my meditation, walks or proper social hygiene is insane. There is no point. Doing 'recovery' posts of days far gone by is insane, specially when I'm not even writing. I write for 20 minutes, but spend 4 hours 'preparing' to write. This is awful for my social health, my mental health, my eyes, and the direction of my life.

What I'm saying is this: the obsession with this blog is holding my personal life back. I'm focusing so much on 'having my shit together' here that I don't live. And it's not about this blog, it's just an excuse. I could do cellphone posts, or voice notes, or write from my phone if I wanted to. I don't do those because writing in here is just an excuse. An escape from reality and the responsibilities of life. I don't want to put myself out of the comfort zone, and this has been the perfect escape.

No more. This blog can eat shit for all I care if it comes at a cost of everything else. I'll timebox it to strictly an hour of my daily time from hereon. If I exceed that, well tough luck buddy, better luck next time! I cannot be missing my walks and social hangs to waste time on 'here' but actually trash sites.

I need to be brave enough to grow up and have the self-restraint to not be distracted by the internet.

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