The two (or three) major projects ahead of me

I need to be prioritizing on the big picture. It's easy to get distracted. Confusion on what's important and  and what seems super urgent immediately can waylay the best plans. Here's what I'm prioritizing 'long term' for the next several months, and the few years.

  1. Either get so good at my current job that they give me a raise and a promotion and I don't feel guilty and bored. Or find a different job that I've been scheming over for the last six months that'll triple or quadruple my salary and get me to a job vertical that is more aligned to my interests.

  2. Make sure my sister has a decent long-term job, and is safely and securely settled down wherever in the world she finds a suitable place. Do everything in my ability to empower her to get to that place.

  3. Be more comfortable taking risks and getting out of my comfort zone. Use that to improve my understanding of the world better, and improve my perception and ability to digest the risk-reward calculus. Be more certain about what it is that I want to explore, fearlessly and with no qualms.

  4. Find a partner I care for, I can trust, and can count on being by my side for the medium to long term. Ideate a platforms and places where I might find such a person, and what it would take me to get there.

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