Eff it this is my blog I'll do experimental things

Like nonsense words, 'experimental' 'edgy' pieces that will most definitely not work I'll try them anyway because I have no better ideas and these are trying times okay, I'm having a LOT of trouble going into a proper ritualistic lifestyle and have been able to bring myself to post one piece a day everyday so anything goes at this point really. I really really really want to average two posts a day for this month, but wishes aren't horses, and also neither of them fly like pigs -- I mean pigs don't fly and neither do horses or wishes for that matter, unless you're sort of communicating your wishes over some wireless air-based medium one figures -- so yeah, things aren't going the way I'd have wished, and I'm trying hard to bring myself to write, so anything goes at this point. No holds barred. Be prepared to be amazed have your minds blown but more likely be extremely disappointed.

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