Order disorder

Yesterday was a great day, did a lot of 'orderly' things,  worked on the new checklist etcetera. Came around to the realization that this state of matters is not temporary and this is how it's going to be for the foreseeable future. The new normal, as they say. Got back to my sleeping, working out, eating habits slowly. Need a couple of days to catch up to it, but I'll be there. Things are looking good.

Evening wasn't so good, got a little giggly and slept at 9.30, refused to go to by bed from the couch because too tired and sleepy, forgot the evening chores, and basically took it slow and easy. Same for this morning too, but that's because ahem, there's always a hangover even when they tell you there's no downsides. Drowsiness, laziness, etcetera.

Ate so.much.food last evening, I feel gross and disgusting still. Gonna take it a little more easy for today. Hopefully I can go back to fiction writing soon. Fingers crossed.

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