Interesting times

It's 11.10pm Monday. Been more than a month since I left Boston to come to NoVa and have been since living here. Life is a little stressful, confusing, a little unpredictable but that's the whole wide world not just me. Things are...interesting right now. It's becoming clear why "may you live in interesting times" is a curse.

We had a conversation several days ago. I brought it up. It was right about when BoJo the UK PM had been admitted to the ICU because of Corona or whatever. And I suddenly realized, if he passed away, things would get a lot more interesting, even more than they are right now. It would be bad, obviously, and I wouldn't hope ever for it to happen, but things would be hella interesting. The repercussions would last for...ever. We could talk about it for ever and ever and ever. But it wouldn't be good for anyone. It would suck, everything would suck. So glad he's recovered now.

And so came the realization, living in interesting times is um, actually not a great thing. There is only so much 'interesting things' the human mind can comprehend, only so much uncertainty it can take, before it zones out shuts down. Interesting times are a curse, really, like they always said.

The days go by. We eat, talk, use the internet -- lots of youtube -- play board games. Spend way too long cooking and eating because there's not much to do. I'm crashing on the couch, seems like this may go on for a while now. There was an opportunity to make upward-looking lateral move career-wise. Didn't take it. Don't need uncertainty in these serious times.

The stock market rises ever onwards as the death counter rises at an increasing rate. Unclear what the future is. Don't trust the stock market for anything, feel like it could lose the bottom anytime. When a third of the population is unemployed hungry and potentially homeless it's unclear how the economy can be thriving. Who are the companies selling stuff to anyway when there's no one to buy?

The madman is making things worst every day. Does anything even need to be said about that?

Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst, as they say.

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