So remember that my aim was to get in a comfortable average of 2 posts a day, which I'm five posts away from. I'll do that in the six remaining hours I have for today and I'll have succeeded in my goal.
The point of everything I've been doing here, is to half-ass things, quarter-ass even, just do them for the sake of doing, to begin with. Because intense passion and commitment and talent and knowledge doesn't come instantly you need stamina endurance grit with it. The way to achieve that is to stay consistent, disciplined and ordered. That's where I'm getting at. The posts are all crap, they don't make any sense they're unreadable trash that no one should have written or read. They're also increasing my daily and monthly count and that's all that matters.
Because times are hard. Yes, there were months where I had finally achieved physical and mental discipline. I was posting five pieces daily here, aiming for six, doing hard physical exercise daily, keeping tip-top with other tasks, eating well and planning for a more strict regimen. Then took a month or so off for holidays during which I took things slow and easy. After getting back, and just as I was getting back on track, the thing we must not speak for again for it could drive insanity deep within us struck and everything was in a disarray. It was easy to lose hope, not see the point of doing anything and just lose it.
Under such circumstances I decided that half-assing things, barely getting anything productive done was better than not doing anything sitting around complaining and just generally being annoying. And here we are now, only 5 posts shy of an average of 2 daily posts. Nothing to be sneezed at alright.
The fiction posts will come, the non-journal posts will come, the interesting practices will come. Eventually. For now, I must write, and keep writing and writing and writing until it comes naturally.
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